As per reports of Kaspersky Lab, the year 2018 saw 52.54% as the average percentage of spam in global mail traffic. A full-blown study on our survey reports conducted for holiday email marketing, made us realize that few users faced difficulties since their emails ended up in spam folder.
The top-notch to initiate and reduce spam rates of your email campaigns requires ensuring basic factors, after authenticating your email with
SPF, DKIM and DMARC. Achieving a hang of these will help you sort out trouble of emails being marked as spam. If any of the basic factors are affecting you, it's better you darn it to reduce your spam rates.
1) Consent Emails - Always begin your email marketing campaigns by sending your subscribers a
consent email. There is no point in sending details regarding the product, offers, newsletters, etc., if they are least interested. Consent emails will help you to convert your leads to prospects and gradually to customers.
2) Sender Address - More often you receive emails from an unknown address and move it to spam easily, right!? Before opening an email, the first thing you make sure is whether the sender address helps to guess what's inside. Customers expect the same. So before sending email campaigns,
update the sender address, making your identity clear by your name or brand.
3) Unsubscribe Button - For marketers, unsubscribe button will be the worst enemy ever, but for smart marketers, it would be their best friend.
This button can be considered as a strainer which helps separate subscribers who would want to receive your updates from the rest. It is indeed a blessing for marketers that customers can click on the unsubscribe button rather than marking it as spam.
Isn't life all about experimenting and making things right? Try out these experiments to reduce spam rates.
Annet Mathews