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Dear Thomas Gabriel Ciezar and fellow readers,
I fail to see the purpose behind the multitude of posts regarding the absence of features and feature requests or even certification of conformity of Zoho Books for the French market.
Even if all the requested features would be implemented, Zoho Books would still be incapable of serving as accounting software due to its adherence to the American US GAAP standard accounting principles rather than the IAS/IFRS standard commonly in use in Europe and elsewhere.
This limitation pertains specifically to the Global Edition, and I cannot speak for other editions. Confirmation of this was provided via email by Zoho representatives upon extensive research and inquire.
Without a complete rewrite of the software or a IAS/IFRS version specific, the principles upon which it is based are completely incompatible.
Marco Carolli
Bonjour à tous,
Nous sommes régulièrement au contact de Zoho sur ce sujet. La version qui a été spécialement conçue pour l'Allemagne est un premier pas encourageant pour les utilisateurs français ;-). En effet, cette version inclut des fonctionnalités avancées de TVA, plan comptable allemand, exports d'écritures (type FEC en France), etc.
Les travaux pour la version française ont déjà commencé. Il n'y a pas de date annoncée pour le moment, mais nous suivons ça de près et tiendrons nos clients utilisateurs de Zoho Books au courant des avancées sur ce sujet !
Fabienne Gaston
De l'équipe Mobix.
Hello everyone,
We are in regular contact with Zoho on this topic. The version that was specially designed for Germany is an encouraging first step for French users ;-). Indeed, this version includes advanced VAT features, German accounting plan, exports of entries (similar to FEC in France), etc.
Work on the French version has already begun. There is no announced date at the moment, but we are closely following this and will keep our Zoho Books user clients informed of progress on this topic !
Kind regards,
Fabienne Gaston
From the Mobix team.
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