Apple's iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 updates for Zoho Desk users

Apple's iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 updates for Zoho Desk users

Hello Zoho Desk users!

Apple recently announced the release of iOS 17 and iPad OS 17. These latest OS updates will help you stay productive and efficient, through interactive and seamless user experiences. Zoho Desk has incorporated the updates to help improve the efficiency of the customer service teams.

Let's take a look at all the enhancements.

1. Easy and actionable ticketing widgets

With iOS 17 and iPad OS 17, Apple offers interactive user experiences in your device home screen. Leveraging this enhancement, Zoho Desk has introduced actionable widgets for ticket management.


Support teams have to stay proactive with customer tickets so that they don't get missed. We have introduced two new updates for the Apple device users through this new iOS and iPad OS update.


The newly added Pending approval widget will help support supervisors to manage requests from team, from the new widget on their phones.

You can quickly approve requests from your staff and ensure quick turnaround for your customers. 



Support reps can now view and accept new tickets from customers without having to access the web portal.

This will expedite the support process and help agents keep track of tickets on the go. 

2. Enhanced Lockscreen Widgets

With the new OS enhancement for iPad, users can view updates on locked iPad screens. Zoho Desk users can now take a quick glance at the open ticket count right from their iPad's dormant lock screen.


Along with that, a quick search from Zoho Desk's lock-screen icon will help support reps retrieve information quickly and easily.

3. Mac Sonoma for Zoho Desk users

With the latest update, support teams can view all crucial info available on their phone via a Mac screen. This will help agents prioritise tasks and schedule their works from laptop, without having to go back and forth between the devices.  

This is a great tool for those who prefer to schedule their work from a laptop.


4. Update for the StandBy mode 

iOS 17 includes StandBy mode, which presents a full-screen display of glanceable information, ideal for viewing notifications, widgets, and more from a distance when your iPhone is on its side and charging. 


Taking advantage of this unique capability, Zoho Desk has introduced the Ticket Stat view for StandBy mode.

With the ticket Stat view, customer service agents can quickly view open and overdue tickets from the idle home screen, even if their phones are not directly in front of them.


5. Quick access to help desk info 

With the release of iOS 17, we have automated our home screen shortcuts. Your support reps can now access crucial info through search, and view open and overdue tickets and help desk notifications from the app shortcuts.  

At Zoho Desk, we work hard to keep up with the ever-evolving tech landscape and we are committed to giving our customers the best possible user experience. We hope the new interactive features we've introduced help your service team continue to stay on top of its game!

Click on the link to access Zoho Desk's latest update for iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 ---->

Watch the video for all the updates in action:

You can also write to for inquiries. 

Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for latest news and updates. 

Zoho Desk Team


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