8 Neat Tricks in Writer You Should Know About

8 Neat Tricks in Writer You Should Know About

Want to get the most out of Writer and speed up your work? You've come to the right place. We've compiled some productive shortcuts in Writer that can help you get work done more quickly:

1. Look up synonyms
No more need for a bulky thesaurus! Use Writer's synonym suggestions to explore different word choices, and find the one that fits your style and tone the best. All you have to do is right-click on a word, and select Synonyms from the dropdown list. 

2. Insert images, tables and more
Typing @ into your documents opens up a dropdown with shortcuts to insert images, tables, and other options.

3. Format page numbers
Use alternate ways to number pages in your document to make them stand out from the rest of the sections. Writer lets you number pages using Arabic numbers, Latin letters, and Roman numerals—just click Insert in the sidebar menu, choose Page Numbers, and select Format Page Numbers.

Use the same menu to hide numbering on the first page, or to choose the page number you want to start your document with.

4. View it all from the new dashboard
Writer's new dashboard is a one-stop place to view all of your documents and templates. To access it, head over to writer.zoho.com from your browser. 

5. Language-specific fonts 
Writer's font library has over 300 different fonts, which means there's something for everyone.
But did you know you can also use search option in the Library to look up fonts that support a particular language? All you have to do is click the +Add Fonts button to go to the Library and enter your preferred language in the search box.

6. Get advanced controls on your document copy
Writer documents carry all your comments and markup throughout versions. However, you can choose to start with a blank slate when you make a copy of the document.
Go to File and select Make a Copy. You can enable or disable Include comments and Include tracked changes under Advanced Options*.

*Note: This option is currently available only for Owners and Co-owners of a document.

7. Crop images

Adjust images to fit them neatly into the document. You can crop images from within Writer by selecting the image and clicking the Crop icon on the left.

8. Other convenient shortcuts

Here are some official cheat-codes for you.

That's all for now. Do you have an interesting shortcut you use? Share it with us so that we can let other Writers know. 

Happy Writing!
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