Automatically mark yourself as unavailable in your CRM calendar via Google Calendar synchronization

Automatically mark yourself as unavailable in your CRM calendar via Google Calendar synchronization

Dear All,
We have a quick enhancement related to the Google Calendar synchronization feature: Now you can automatically block your Zoho CRM calendar based on any non-sales meetings scheduled in your Google Calendar.
This synchronization enables you to link your Google Calendar with the Zoho CRM calendar easily. You can set up a two-way sync to update both Zoho CRM and Google Calendar events, or a one-way sync to update your Zoho CRM calendar events to your Google Calendar, or vice versa.

An individual user might use multiple calendars in Google for different purposes. For example, they might sync their sales calendar in Google with their CRM calendar so that other CRM users can view those sales meetings created in Google. But besides a sales calendar, users might also use a Google Calendar for scheduling investor meetings. In this case, the user may not want investor meeting details visible to others in CRM but still have their CRM calendar blocked for those time slots—to prevent any sales meeting from being scheduled at the same time.
To help accomplish this, the user can now enable the option to block time in the CRM calendar automatically based on specific Google Calendars. This can be done on the synchronization page.

This eliminates the overhead work of having to mark yourself as unavailable in the CRM calendar manually. At the same time, it helps avoid scheduling conflicts, in case a customer tries to book a meeting through the calendar booking feature.

In the CRM calendar, the names of event and meeting slots that have been automatically marked as unavailable via this feature are visible only to the primary user. To other users, these slots appear as unavailable blocks without names or descriptions.

Please note that once enabled, you can only choose up to five Google Calendars whose time slots will be blocked in your Zoho CRM calendar.
Thats all for this enhancement! Read more about Google Calendar sync in our help doc.

P.S. This enhancement is currently live for all users in all DCs.

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