Convert Estimate To Invoice - Consider Billable Items

Convert Estimate To Invoice - Consider Billable Items

Consider this scenario:
  1. An Estimate is created and sent to the customer.
  2. Estimate is accepted.
  3. If it includes items that mus be procured / ordered, then those items are ordered.
  4. Those items are entered on a Bill where they are assigned as billable items for the customer.
  5. If you convert the Estimate to an Invoice, Invoice line items are created on the invoice, but they are not linked to the items that were ordered and marked as billable.
  6. So on the invoice, you select the billable items (link at end of item list). Those items are now included on the invoice.
  7. Problem is now you have duplicate items, the ones from the Estimate and the billable items.
  8. So you have to delete the items from the Estimate and then work the billable hours.

It would be beneficial to have a way to link the Estimate items with the Billable items.

Also, as an additional request, when you add billable items to an invoice, you have to select a tax. Shown above and also below. This should be unnecessary as the invoice has already been assigned to the Customer, and the taxes should be known. Ironically this IS done correctly with the items from the Estimate.

Also, another great feature would be to have the ability to create the Bill from the Estimate. Although I could see that would be an issue as the items may come from multiple vendors. But, that could be a way to get those items on the Invoice.

Adding these features will make Estimates and Invoicing much easier.
