Create a task in Zoho CRM directly from Zoho Cliq

Create a task in Zoho CRM directly from Zoho Cliq

Components used : Slash command, message action.

Slash Command:

To create a task in Zoho CRM directly from a chat window in Zoho Cliq, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create a command

The first step is to create a command in Zoho Cliq that allows users to create a task directly from a chat window. To do this, go to your profile, then navigate to  Bots & Tools > Integrations > Command > Create Command .

In the command creation window, you will need to enter a name for your command, a description, and choose the access level (Personal, Team, or Org). Once you have done this, save the command.

Next, paste the provided code in the script editor in the integration window:

  1. fetchFields = invokeurl
  2. [
  3.  url :""
  4.  type :GET
  5.  connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  6. ];
  7. //info fetchFields;
  8. allFields = fetchFields.get("fields");
  9. priorityList = list();
  10. statusList = list();
  11. for each  field in allFields
  12. {
  13.  if(field.get("api_name") == "Priority")
  14.  {
  15.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  16.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  17.   {
  18.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  19.    priorityList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  20.   }
  21.  }
  22.  else if(field.get("api_name") == "Status")
  23.  {
  24.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  25.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  26.   {
  27.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  28.    statusList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  29.   }
  30.  }
  31. }
  32. inputs = list();
  33. inputs.add({"type":"text","name":"task","label":"Task Name","hint":"Enter a subject","placeholder":"","min_length":8,"max_length":100,"mandatory":true});
  34. inputs.add({"type":"date","name":"date","label":"Due Date","placeholder":"Choose a due date","mandatory":false});
  35. modulesList = list();
  36. modulesList.add({"label":"Lead","value":"lead"});
  37. modulesList.add({"label":"Contact","value":"contacts"});
  38. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"module","label":"Type of module","placeholder":"Choose a module","trigger_on_change":true,"options":modulesList});
  39. inputs.add({"type":"textarea","name":"description","label":"Description","hint":"Enter description","placeholder":"","min_length":0,"max_length":1000,"mandatory":false});​
  40. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"priority","label":"Priority","placeholder":"Choose a priority","mandatory":false,"options":priorityList});
  41. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"status","label":"Status","placeholder":"Choose a status","mandatory":false,"options":statusList});
  42. return {"type":"form","title":"Create a task","hint":"Name the task and assign a user","name":"createTask","button_label":"Create","actions":{"submit":{"type":"invoke.function","name":"createTask"}},"inputs":inputs};

Note : Make sure to replace the connection link name

Creating a connection:
  • Click on the connections button on the top right of the code editor.
  • Click on the Create Connection button
  • In default services, select the Zoho OAuth service and enable the following scopes:
    • ZohoCRM.modules.ALL
    • ZohoCRM.settings.ALL
  • Now authorize the connection

Step 2: Create a Form Function

 The second step is to create a form function that will handle the creation of the task in Zoho CRM. To do this, navigate to  Bots & Tools > Integrations > Functions > Create , and name your function " createTask ". Add a description and select the function type as form.

Then, paste the provided code in the form submit handler, which will handle the form submission and create a task in Zoho CRM.

  1. info form;
  2. paramsMap = map();
  3. labelList = list();
  4. formValues = form.get("values");
  5. module = formValues.get("module").get("label");
  6. subject = formValues.get("task");
  7. labelList.add({"Subject":subject});
  8. paramsMap.put("Subject", subject);
  9. description = formValues.get("description");
  10. if(description.length() > 0)
  11. {
  12.  labelList.add({"Description":description});
  13.  paramsMap.put("Description", description); 
  14. }
  15. dueDate = formValues.get("date");
  16. if(dueDate.length() > 0)
  17. {
  18.  dueDate = dueDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
  19.  paramsMap.put("Due_Date", dueDate);
  20. }
  21. else 
  22. {
  23.  dueDate = "-";
  24. }
  25. labelList.add({"Due Date":dueDate});
  26. priority = formValues.get("priority");
  27. if(priority.keys().size() > 0)
  28. {
  29.  priority = priority.get("label");
  30.  paramsMap.put("Priority", priority);
  31. }
  32. else 
  33. {
  34.  priority = "High";
  35. }
  36. labelList.add({"Priority":priority});
  37. status = formValues.get("status");
  38. if(status.keys().size() > 0)
  39. {
  40.  status = status.get("label");
  41.  paramsMap.put("Status", status);
  42. }
  43. else 
  44. {
  45.  status = "Not Started";
  46. }
  47. labelList.add({"Status":status});
  48. if(module == "Lead")
  49. {
  50.  leadID = formValues.get("lead").get("value");
  51.  paramsMap.put("What_Id", leadID);
  52.  paramsMap.put("$se_module", "Leads");
  53.  labelList.add({"Lead":formValues.get("lead").get("label")});
  54. }
  55. else if(module == "Contact") 
  56. {
  57.  contactDetails = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  58.  if(contactDetails.size() > 0)
  59.  {
  60.   contactID = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  61.   paramsMap.put("Who_Id", contactID);
  62.   labelList.add({"Contact":formValues.get("contact").get("label")});
  63.  }
  64.  assciatedModule = formValues.get("contactModule").get("value");
  65.  if(assciatedModule == "account")
  66.  {
  67.   choosenModule = "Accounts";
  68.  }
  69.  else 
  70.     {
  71.   choosenModule = "Deals";
  72.     }
  73.  accountOrDealID = formValues.get(assciatedModule).get("value");
  74.  paramsMap.put("What_Id", accountOrDealID);
  75.  paramsMap.put("$se_module", choosenModule);
  76.  labelList.add({choosenModule:formValues.get(assciatedModule).get("label")});
  77. }
  78. params = map();
  79. params.put("data", [paramsMap]);
  80. createTask = invokeurl
  81. [
  82.  url: ""
  83.  type: POST
  84.  parameters: params+""
  85.  detailed : true
  86.  connection: "CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  87. ];
  88. info createTask;
  89. if(createTask.get("responseCode") == 201)
  90. {
  91.  response = {"text":"### Task has been created successfully 👍","card":{"theme":"10"},"slides":[{"type":"label","data":labelList}],"buttons":[{"label":"View","action":{"type":"open.url","data":{"web":""+createTask.get("responseText").get("data").toMap().get("details").get("id")}}}]};
  92. }
  93. else 
  94. {
  95.  response = {"text":"Something went wrong with the integration. Please try again after some time!!!","type":"banner","status":"failure"};
  96. }
  97. return response;

Step 3: Update with Form Change Handler

The third step is to create a form change handler that will update the task details as the user fills out the form. To do this, navigate to the form change handler and paste the provided code in the script editor.

  1. targetName = target.get("name");
  2. info targetName;
  3. formValues = form.get("values");
  4. info formValues;
  5. actions = list();
  6. if(targetName == "module")
  7. {
  8.  modulesList = {"task","description","date","module","priority","status"};
  9.  allKeys = formValues.keys();
  10.  for each  key in allKeys
  11.  {
  12.   if(!modulesList.contains(key))
  13.   {
  14.    actions.add({"type":"remove","name":key});
  15.   }
  16.  }
  17.  fieldValue = formValues.get("module").keys();
  18.  if(fieldValue.size() > 0)
  19.  {
  20.   label = formValues.get("module").get("label");
  21.   if(label == "Lead")
  22.   {
  23.    leadsList = list();
  24.    getAllLeads = invokeurl
  25.    [
  26.     url :""
  27.     type :GET
  28.     connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  29.    ];
  30.    leads = getAllLeads.get("data");
  31.    leadlist = List();
  32.    i = 0;
  33.    for each  lead in leads
  34.    {
  35.     if(i == 10)
  36.     {
  37.      break;
  38.     }
  39.     leadName = lead.get("Full_Name");
  40.     leadId = lead.get("id");
  41.     leadsList.add({"label":leadName,"value":leadId});
  42.     i = i + 1;
  43.    }
  44.    actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"module","input":{"type":"dynamic_select","name":"lead","label":"Lead","hint":"Choose a lead","placeholder":"","mandatory":true,"options":leadsList}});
  45.   }
  46.   else if(label == "Contact")
  47.   {
  48.    contactsList = list();
  49.    getContacts = invokeurl
  50.    [
  51.     url :""
  52.     type :GET
  53.     connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  54.    ];
  55.    info getContacts;
  56.    contacts = getContacts.get("data");
  57.    i = 0;
  58.    for each  contact in contacts
  59.    {
  60.     if(i == 10)
  61.     {
  62.      break;
  63.     }
  64.     contactName = contact.get("Full_Name");
  65.     contactID = contact.get("id");
  66.     contactsList.add({"label":contactName,"value":contactID});
  67.     i = i + 1;
  68.    }
  69.    actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"module","input":{"type":"select","name":"contact","label":"Contact","hint":"Choose a contact","placeholder":"","mandatory":false,"options":contactsList,"trigger_on_change":true}});
  70.    contactModuleList = list();
  71.    contactModuleList.add({"label":"Account","value":"account"});
  72.    contactModuleList.add({"label":"Deal","value":"deal"});
  73.    actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"contact","input":{"type":"select","name":"contactModule","label":"Associated Module","hint":"Choose a module","placeholder":"","mandatory":true,"options":contactModuleList,"trigger_on_change":true}});
  74.   }
  75.  }
  76. }
  77. else if(targetName == "contact")
  78. {
  79.  contactsList = {"task","description","date","module","contact","contactModule","priority","status"};
  80.  allKeys = formValues.keys();
  81.  for each  key in allKeys
  82.  {
  83.   if(!contactsList.contains(key))
  84.   {
  85.    actions.add({"type":"remove","name":key});
  86.   }
  87.  }
  88.  actions.add({"type":"clear","name":"contactModule"});
  89.  actions.add({"type":"clear","name":"deal"});
  90.  actions.add({"type":"clear","name":"account"});
  91. }
  92. else if(targetName == "contactModule")
  93. {
  94.  contactsList = {"task","description","date","module","contact","contactModule","priority","status"};
  95.  allKeys = formValues.keys();
  96.  for each  key in allKeys
  97.  {
  98.   if(!contactsList.contains(key))
  99.   {
  100.    actions.add({"type":"remove","name":key});
  101.   }
  102.  }
  103.  label = formValues.get("contactModule").keys();
  104.  if(label.size() > 0)
  105.  {
  106.   labelValue = formValues.get("contactModule").get("label");
  107.   if(labelValue == "Deal")
  108.   {
  109.    moduleName = "deals";
  110.   }
  111.   else if(labelValue == "Account")
  112.   {
  113.    moduleName = "accounts";
  114.   }
  115.   contactsKeys = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  116.   if(contactsKeys.size() > 0)
  117.   {
  118.    contactId = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  119.    url = "" + contactId + "/" + moduleName;
  120.   }
  121.   else
  122.   {
  123.    url = "" + moduleName;
  124.   }
  125.   getAllDetails = invokeurl
  126.   [
  127.    url :url
  128.    type :GET
  129.    connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  130.   ];
  131.   info getAllDetails;
  132.   details = getAllDetails.get("data");
  133.   if(!details.size() > 0)
  134.   {
  135.    url = "" + moduleName;
  136.    getAllDetails = invokeurl
  137.    [
  138.     url :url
  139.     type :GET
  140.     connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  141.    ];
  142.    info getAllDetails;
  143.    details = getAllDetails.get("data");
  144.   }
  145.   detailsList = list();
  146.   i = 0;
  147.   for each  detail in details
  148.   {
  149.    if(i == 10)
  150.    {
  151.     break;
  152.    }
  153.    if(labelValue == "Deal")
  154.    {
  155.     dealName = detail.get("Deal_Name");
  156.     dealID = detail.get("id");
  157.     detailsList.add({"label":dealName,"value":dealID});
  158.    }
  159.    else if(labelValue == "Account")
  160.    {
  161.     AccountName = detail.get("Account_Name");
  162.     AccountID = detail.get("id");
  163.     detailsList.add({"label":AccountName,"value":AccountID});
  164.    }
  165.    i = i + 1;
  166.   }
  167.   actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"contactModule","input":{"type":"dynamic_select","name":labelValue.toLowerCase(),"label":labelValue.proper(),"hint":"","placeholder":"Select a " + labelValue,"mandatory":true,"options":detailsList}});
  168.  }
  169. }
  170. return {"type":"form_modification","actions":actions};

Step 4: Dynamic Handler

Now navigate to the Dynamic Handler and paste this code:

  1. info target;
  2. typeList = list();
  3. searchValue = target.get("query");
  4. formValues = form.get("values");
  5. if(target.get("name") == "lead")
  6. {
  7.  getLeads = invokeurl
  8.  [
  9.   url :""
  10.   type :GET
  11.   connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  12.  ];
  13.  //info getLeads;
  14.  leads = getLeads.get("data");
  15.  for each  lead in leads
  16.  {
  17.   if(lead.containsIgnoreCase(searchValue))
  18.   {
  19.    if(typeList == 100)
  20.    {
  21.     break;
  22.    }
  23.    leadName = lead.get("Full_Name");
  24.    leadId = lead.get("id");
  25.    lead = {"label":leadName,"value":leadId};
  26.    typeList.add(lead);
  27.   }
  28.  }
  29. }
  30. else if(target.get("name") == "account")
  31. {
  32.  contactsKeys = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  33.  if(contactsKeys.size() > 0)
  34.  {
  35.   contactId = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  36.   url = "" + contactId + "/accounts";
  37.  }
  38.  else
  39.  {
  40.   url = "";
  41.  }
  42.  getAccounts = invokeurl
  43.  [
  44.   url :url
  45.   type :GET
  46.   connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  47.  ];
  48.  //info getLeads;
  49.  accounts = getAccounts.get("data");
  50.  if(!accounts.size() > 0)
  51.  {
  52.   url = "";
  53.   getAccounts = invokeurl
  54.   [
  55.    url :url
  56.    type :GET
  57.    connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  58.   ];
  59.  }
  60.  for each  account in accounts
  61.  {
  62.   if(account.containsIgnoreCase(searchValue))
  63.   {
  64.    if(typeList == 100)
  65.    {
  66.     break;
  67.    }
  68.    AccountName = account.get("Account_Name");
  69.    AccountID = account.get("id");
  70.    typeList.add({"label":AccountName,"value":AccountID});
  71.   }
  72.  }
  73. }
  74. else if(target.get("name") == "deal")
  75. {
  76.  contactsKeys = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  77.  if(contactsKeys.size() > 0)
  78.  {
  79.   contactId = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  80.   url = "" + contactId + "/deals";
  81.  }
  82.  else
  83.  {
  84.   url = "";
  85.  }
  86.  getDeals = invokeurl
  87.  [
  88.   url :url
  89.   type :GET
  90.   connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  91.  ];
  92.  deals = getDeals.get("data");
  93.  if(!deals.size() > 0)
  94.  {
  95.   url = "";
  96.   getDeals = invokeurl
  97.   [
  98.    url :url
  99.    type :GET
  100.    connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  101.   ];
  102.   deals = getDeals.get("data");
  103.  }
  104.  for each  deal in deals
  105.  {
  106.   if(deal.containsIgnoreCase(searchValue))
  107.   {
  108.    if(typeList == 100)
  109.    {
  110.     break;
  111.    }
  112.    dealName = deal.get("Deal_Name");
  113.    dealID = deal.get("id");
  114.    typeList.add({"label":dealName,"value":dealID});
  115.   }
  116.  }
  117. }
  118. return {"options":typeList};

Message Action

Besides the Command method, you can also use Message Actions to create a task in Zoho CRM directly from a chat. To do this, navigate to  Bots & Tools > Integrations > Message Action > Create , and create a new message action.

In the message action creation window, you will need to enter a name, description, and choose the access level. Then, paste the provided code in the script editor.

  1. description = message.get("text");
  2. if(description.length() >= 1000)
  3. {
  4.  description = description.subString(0,1000);
  5. }
  6. fetchFields = invokeurl
  7. [
  8.  url :""
  9.  type :GET
  10.  connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  11. ];
  12. //info fetchFields;
  13. allFields = fetchFields.get("fields");
  14. priorityList = list();
  15. statusList = list();
  16. for each  field in allFields
  17. {
  18.  if(field.get("api_name") == "Priority")
  19.  {
  20.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  21.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  22.   {
  23.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  24.    priorityList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  25.   }
  26.  }
  27.  else if(field.get("api_name") == "Status")
  28.  {
  29.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  30.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  31.   {
  32.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  33.    statusList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  34.   }
  35.  }
  36. }
  37. inputs = list();
  38. inputs.add({"type":"text","name":"task","label":"Task Name","hint":"Enter a subject","placeholder":"","min_length":8,"max_length":100,"mandatory":true});
  39. inputs.add({"type":"textarea","name":"description","label":"Description","hint":"Enter description","placeholder":"","min_length":5,"max_length":1000,"mandatory":false,"value":description});
  40. inputs.add({"type":"date","name":"date","label":"Due Date","placeholder":"Choose a due date","mandatory":false});
  41. modulesList = list();
  42. modulesList.add({"label":"Lead","value":"lead"});
  43. modulesList.add({"label":"Contact","value":"contacts"});
  44. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"module","label":"Type of module","placeholder":"Choose a module","trigger_on_change":true,"options":modulesList});
  45. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"priority","label":"Priority","placeholder":"Choose a priority","mandatory":false,"options":priorityList});
  46. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"status","label":"Status","placeholder":"Choose a status","mandatory":false,"options":statusList});
  47. return {"type":"form","title":"Create a task","hint":"Name the task and assign a user","name":"createTask","button_label":"Create","actions":{"submit":{"type":"invoke.function","name":"createTask"}},"inputs":inputs};

Note : Make sure to replace the connection link name
This code will create a message action that you can use to create a task in Zoho CRM. Once used on a message, the createTask function created earlier will handle the task creation process (and the message will automatically be entered as the task description).

In summary, by following these steps, users can create a task in Zoho CRM directly from a chat in Zoho Cliq using either Command or Message Action. This can save time and streamline the workflow for teams that use both Zoho Cliq and Zoho CRM.

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      Hi, I had created a pivot table with setup as below: Column: - Delivery Date Row: - Customer Group Data as column - Total amount (sum > normal) (show data of the month) - Total amount (sum > % difference from previous value) (compare between this month
    • Configure Notes Title for Blueprint Transition

      It'd be very helpful to be able to configure note titles on blueprint transitions when requiring notes. This would help tie back the history of notes to the blueprint actions. We have some approval processes in our blueprint and require notes for the
    • An update to improve email delivery | Email Authentication & Relay

      Dear Zoho Recruit Community, We hope this message finds you well. This post is to inform you about an important update regarding the authentication of all email domains in your Zoho Recruit account. Effective 31st December, 2024, emails sent using email
    • Stop adding Default ID column to xls exports

      When anything is exported to xls, Zoho adds a column with an ID.  WE DO NOT WANT THIS COLUMN.  We use an automated report to a team.  We have our own tracking number.  1. This makes the report messy, it just pushes OUR data off to the right.  2. We have
    • Automation#25: Move Tickets to Unassigned When the Owner Is Offline

      Hello Everyone, Welcome to this week's Community Series! 'Tis the holiday season—a time when work often takes a brief pause. The holiday spirit is in full swing at Zylker Techfix too, with employees taking some well-deserved time off. During this period,
    • Zoho cases and remote work api

      How to use zoho cases listing api? When i try to hit the endpoint specified in the docs , i get the error : the page you are looking for does not exist with a 401.
    • Calendly does not show scheduled Meetings

      I use Calendly as my standard booking tool, but no matter what I am doing, Calendly shows any appointment as free (when in fact there already is an appointment in CRM Calendar or Zoho Calendar). Drives me nuts - cannot go away from Calendly due to various
    • Delete Field that is used in a Zoho Flow connection

      I'm trying to delete a Field used in a Webhook created by Zoho Flow with CRM Connection and i get the following alert: When going to the alert i get to the following issue, can't edit it since its been deployed by a pluggin But yes i have here the prompted
    • I want the currency in my account to be Mexican pesos.

      Hello, I am a Mexican citizen and live in Ukraine. When I registered to your system, it was seen that I was from Ukraine, so the default currency is Euro. This is causing me a problem. Please change the standard currency in my account to Mexican Pes
    • Directly Edit, Filter, and Sort Subforms on the Details Page

      Hello everyone, As you know, subforms allow you to associate multiple line items with a single record, greatly enhancing your data organization. For example, a sales order subform neatly lists all products, their quantities, amounts, and other relevant
    • Year-End Wrap: Don't rewrite - Switch to Email Templates

      As we're half-way through December, now is the perfect time to start sending out festive greetings. Whether it is to your clients or your team, it is important that every mail is tailored to the recipient and feels genuine, which allows you to make better
    • Elevating Email Security on Zoho Desk: DKIM Now Mandatory

      Hello Zoho Desk Users! It has been a wonderful journey with you on Zoho Desk. As we prepare to welcome 2025, we are strengthening our efforts to ensure a secure and seamless experience for you. To enhance email security, DKIM configuration will be mandatory
    • How to view shared mailbox in Outlook

      How to view shared mailbox in Outlook or in another software
    • Clear String field based on the value of other field

      Hello everyone, We would like to be able to clear a string field (delete whatever has been written and make it empty) when another field (picklist) is changed to a specific value. While I can empty other types of fields, I noticed that I can't do this
    • Necesito el código ZB para mi cuenta

      Hice cambio de servidor y no encuentro el codigo unico de cname.
    • Privacy error

      Privacy error on Chrome for all embedded forms and reports, this is a huge issue: "Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID"
    • Email with attachments saving attachments into Zoho CRM from Zoho Mail

      Hi, I get a lot of emails from prospective clients asking if we would bid their project. Those projects usually have many documents associated with them that I link to.  I would like to have those documents be saved as an attachment in my Potential or Contact or Account. I don't see a way to do that that isn't multi-step. As of now I do the following: 1.) Open email 2.) If email sender isn't in my Zoho CRM database I enter them creating a Potential 3.) I download the attachment and save it to a different
    • Bug - OTP (email) and No Duplicates

      Scenario: Form with an email field, Validation: "No Duplicates" (because I want to ensure 1 entry per email). Embedded form into website (JS option). Enabled email based OTP. 1st test (via my website) - entered my email address - sent OTP - entered pin,
    • Customise Search Bar in CRM

      Is there a way to customise this search bar in the CRM to add fields?
    • Counting downloads of a file

      Hello Could anyone help me, I would like to use a custom script to count how many times a file contained in a record has been downloaded. Is that something that is possible in Creator? Thanks Estelle
    • Is there any way to prevent emails from being sent from zoho crm without pressing email opt out?

      When I left my desk yesterday I excitedly thought I had fixed my problem, by making use of the "Inactive" field ... However after contacting the support chat, they have advised to stop emails being sent I need to update the "Email Opt Out" field - which
    • New Search Function

      Hey Team, The search function updated in our CRM about a week ago, so I assume it was an automated update across Zoho. It no longer displays leads/deals etc in Chronological order so that the most recently created or updated is the first to display which
    • New permissions for accessing emails sent via Zoho CRM

      Last modified on Nov 4, 2024: Permissions for accessing emails sent via Zoho CRM have now been extended to the IN DC. With this rollout, the feature is now available to all users across all DCs. Resources: Data sharing for emails, Configuring email compose
    • Mind Mapping

      Will Zoho consider a mind mapping application? I have seen some discussions that are some 10 years old. What is the status now?
    • is it possible to add more than one Whatsapp Phone Number to be integrated to Zoho CRM?

      so I have successfully added one Whatsapp number like this from this User Interface it seems I can't add a new Whatsapp Number. I need to add a new Whatsapp Number so I can control the lead assignment if a chat sent to Whatsapp Phone Number 1 then assign
    • Unable to send emails

      I have this email, but I couldnt send outgoing email. Can you please help?
    • Request for Alerts on Workflow and Function Changes.

      I want to get an alert whenever a new workflow or function is added or an existing workflow or function is edited. Is there any way to do that? I need to log all changes whenever updates are made or new ones are added.
    • Overwrite Option for custom modules

      Hi Team, I noticed that the overwrite option is unavailable in Zoho Books when importing data for custom modules. This limitation makes it challenging to bulk update old data, as the only option is the 'bulk update' feature, which is restricted to 25
    • Transfer Amount from One Vendor to Another Vendor

      One of the vendors, who has a balance with us, has closed the business and has started a new business; Now he wants me to transfer the outstanding from the old account to the new Vendor Account. I am trying to do this using Payment Settlement a/c, But
    • Been getting this error, every now and then "Get count limit exceeded, please try again after 3 mins"

      it is really annoying.
    • How to make Branch compulsory in Zoho Books invoice?

      How I make Branches compulsory in Zoho Books invoice?
    • Regarding GST Report Issue in Zoho Books

      Hi, Right now, the very important point from my end is this Zoho Books issue. Here, you can see that we have created the invoice with the items of account sales and expenses. The journal is also correct. The profit and Loss statement is also correct.
    • Function #57: Automatically group items in invoices based on categories

      Hello everyone, and welcome back to our series! As a business expands and new product lines are launched, it becomes important to organize the items for better inventory management. The Category field in Zoho Books helps here by allowing you to add and
    • Fixed asset management

      I want to know if there is any individual module for fixed assets management
    • Suppress "spreadsheet will not be saved" message on published sheet

      I have published a sheet and have one column on that sheet that the user can edit (a dropdown picklist where the user can select the status for each line). Is there a way to suppress the Zoho Sheet message "Any changes made to this published spreadsheet
    • Zoho Forms Unable to Save Account Numbers with a Leading Zero

      We are using Zoho Forms to for rental applications. It is working well, except for one thing:  when a user enters their bank account information, and that account number actually starts with a ZERO (like 00123456) the Zoho form will return the value without
    • Next Page