Custom Field

Custom Field


I'm looking for help creating a script for my business. Long story short, I have a good flow going but now need a custom script.

Long story short, I'm trying to do:
  1. Contractor Submits Zoho Form
  2. Form has email and that email looks up the Vendor
  3. It then creates an invoice with a set customer
  4. The invoice creates a purchase order with the contractor as the vendor for 1099 tracking
  5. The PO is sent to the Contractor
I have that all working fine, but I'm struggling with this:
  1. I have a custom field in the vendor profile called "Commission Split %"
  2. I'm looking to take the invoice total and commission split and have it populate into a custom field on the invoice. CustomInvoiceField = InvoiceTotal x SpecificVendorCommisionSplit
  3. IE - The Invoice is $500. The contractor receives 70% of that with the rest staying with the company How do I populate a custom invoice field for that 70% in dollar amount?