Delete Zoho Mail

Delete Zoho Mail

How do I delete my primary email from zoho mail?
NOT my account email!!!  The emails I've added from my domain to be used for zoho apps.
Zoho mail has single handedly destroyed all communication within my business and I'm seeing nothing but huge problems with this app and evidently from everyone else as well.

Also, how do I uninstall zoho mail from my Zoho One account.  Loved the UI but holy fuck is it a headache and nightmare to work with.  You got me adding 700 records to my server and the damn thing stick doesn't work.  I'm done wasting my valuable time with it.

Whomever you have developing this app seriously needs to get themselves educated on how Outlook works. There should NEVER be more than 3 records to install on a server and adding a damn email SHOULD be as simple as entering with a password and IMAP should synce everything instantly.  What ever this shit is that you guys created, is ridiculous.