Email Signature Integrated with CRM info

Email Signature Integrated with CRM info


I'm bringing here a killing feature: discrimination on the email signature based on CRM info.

Indeed, we have started to test your email signature module (Marketing Hub > Engagement)
Currently we're using a paid tool called Xink which is working very well. 

BUT, it's not natively integrated to Zoho.
With your solution, if you make the integration possible, we could define rules as follow:

  - If Account Type is Active Customers + Country = USA > Banner 1
  - If Lead Status is Not Contacted + Languague is French > Banner 2
  - If memberstatu_campaignA is registered > Banner X
  - etc

Exactly like SalesIQ does, we adapt the messaging to the type of recipient based on CRM info. Going further, we could use info based on
  - ZohoDesk > has an open ticket > banner Z
  - SalesIQ > If banner A is clicked > salesiq message is XXX

I believe this feature is a real killing feature for such a product. What's the point of having this in the Zoho One Bundle if you can not leverage CRM data ?