Function #7: Fetch a value from Deal in Zoho CRM to the related Estimate in Zoho Books

Function #7: Fetch a value from Deal in Zoho CRM to the related Estimate in Zoho Books

We're here with another function for those using the integration with Zoho CRM. You know that potentials can be linked to transactions in Zoho Books. But if you're including additional details about a Deal (potential) in Zoho CRM and you want to inherit that value into the estimate that you're creating in Zoho Books, this function is for you. 

Custom Function:

To create the custom function, go to Settings -> Automation -> Custom Functions -> +New Custom Function. You can acquire the script from this GitHub link.

Make sure that you create a Connection by the name "zbooks". Here's a GIF to show you how. 

Workflow Rule: 

To get the function going, you need to launch a workflow rule. Navigate to Settings -> Automation -> Workflow Rules -> +New Workflow Rule and set up the workflow this way:

Before saving the workflow, don't forget to choose the custom function you created. 

And there you go! You can now see the Deal's field value fetched into Zoho Books without a hitch. 

If we just made your work easier, do show us some love in the comments. :) 
In case you need any help with the function or you want to tweak the workflow to suit your requirements better, connect with us at for assistance. 

Divya R
Zoho Books