npm install -g @zohocrm/zdk-cli |
#!/bin/bash touch stdout.txt #This script is used to automate ZDK CLI conflict resolve flow conflict_flag=false # Clear stdout.txt at the start > stdout.txt #Step 1: Initial Push Command echo "====Start of the script ====" >> stdout.txt echo "**Executing the initial zdk org:push -j" >> stdout.txt json_content=$(zdk org:push -j) echo "Output $json_content" >> stdout.txt next_command=$(echo "$json_content" | jq -r '.next_command_sequence // empty') echo "next_command after initial push is $next_command">> stdout.txt # Check if the JSON is valid if echo "$json_content" | jq empty 2>/dev/null; then #Step 2: Conflict Detection message=$(echo "$json_content" | jq -r '.message') echo "message: $message" >>stdout.txt if [[ "$message" == *"Merge Conflicts!"* ]]; then #Step 3: Resolving Conflicts conflict_flag=true # Pull changes to the local repository and store the output in a variable echo "**Executing zdk org:pull -j" >> stdout.txt json_content=$(zdk org:pull -j) echo "Output $json_content" >> stdout.txt if echo "$json_content" | jq empty 2>/dev/null; then message=$(echo "$json_content" | jq -r '.result') echo "message $message" >>stdout.txt IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a filenames <<< "$message" # Iterate over each filename and execute the resolve command for filename in "${filenames[@]}"; do echo "**Executing zdk org:pull:resolve for $filename" >> stdout.txt # Executing zdk org:pull:resolve json_content=$(zdk org:pull:resolve -f "$filename" -j) echo "Output $json_content" >> stdout.txt done echo "***Executing zdk org:pull:update" >> stdout.txt json_content=$(zdk org:pull:update -j) echo "Output $json_content" >> stdout.txt fi fi fi #Step 4: Second Push Attempt after conflict if [ "$conflict_flag" = true ]; then # Push changes to the org and store the output in a variable again echo "***Executing: zdk org:push -j after conflict resolution" >> stdout.txt json_content=$(zdk org:push -j) echo "Output $json_content" >> stdout.txt # Extract the line containing "next_command_sequence" from the push output next_command=$(echo "$json_content" | jq -r '.next_command_sequence') echo "Next command $next_command " >> stdout.txt fi #Step 5: Push result command # Execute the next command if it exists counter=0 # Initialize a counter if [ -n "$next_command" ]; then while true; do # Execute the command stored in next_command and capture the output echo "***Executing: $next_command -j" >> stdout.txt output=$(eval "$next_command -j") echo "Output $output" >>stdout.txt # Check if the output contains "Process in progress" if echo "$output" | grep -q "Process in progress"; then echo "Push process in progress. Waiting for 5 seconds..." >> stdout.txt sleep 5 # Wait for 5 seconds else # If not found, break the loop and handle the output echo "Command executed successfully or completed." >> stdout.txt break fi # Increment the counter counter=$((counter + 1)) # Break the loop after 10 iterations if [ "$counter" -ge 10 ]; then echo "Maximum number of attempts(10) reached. Exiting the loop." >> stdout.txt echo "Try executing $next_command after some time" >> stdout.txt break fi done fi |
chmod +x |
./ & tail -f stdout.txt |