Kaizen #79 - OAuth2.0 - A Recap and FAQs

Kaizen #79 - OAuth2.0 - A Recap and FAQs

Hello everyone!
Welcome to another week of Kaizen!
Today, we will address a few frequently-asked questions about OAuth2.0 that include token generation, scopes, errors etc,.
If you have any other questions, let us know in the comment section. We will offer solutions and add them to this list.
Before we move on to common errors and their solutions, let us look at generating grant, access and refresh tokens for a client.

1. Creating a client

You must register your client on the API console to request access to users' resources. This client must handle authenticating itself to the authorization server and requesting an access token to access the users' resources.
Here is an example for creating a client for a server-based application.

2. Setting up an environment in Postman

  1. On the sidebar, click Environments > + icon.
  2. Enter a name for your environment.
  3. Create the following variables. We will fill in their values as we go along.
    ->client-id (obtained after registering the client)
    (obtained after registering the client)
    ->redirect-uri (
    given at the time of registering the client)
  4. Select Save to save any environment variables you have added.

3. Generating the authorization code(grant token)

The authorization code flow is often used when the client is a web application running on a server. This flow uses a server-side redirect URI to receive the authorization code and adds a layer of security, rather than relying on a client-side redirect URI.

What do you need?

  • client ID - obtained after registering the client.
  • scopes - to get consent from the users to use their data. See the available scopes here.
  • response_type - the value "code" as we are requesting for an authorization code.
  • access_type - online or offline(to get a refresh token along with an access token, later).

What will you get?

  • code - a one-time grant token that you will use to generate access and refresh tokens.
  • accounts-server - the Zoho accounts URL that you will use to generate access and refresh tokens. This is the variable accounts-url in Postman.
  • location - the API domain from which you must make API calls to access data. This is the variable api-domain in Postman.
If you do not have an application, yet, but want to test this flow, copy-paste the following URL in your browser with valid values for the various parameters. 
You will receive the grant token as a value to the key "code" in the redirect URL you specified while registering the client.

Here is a GIF of this process.


Use this option if your application does not have a domain and a redirect URL.
You can also use this when your application is a standalone server-side application performing a back-end job like data sync.

4. Generating access and refresh tokens from the grant token

Access tokens allow the application to access user's data from the resource server. Each access token is valid for an hour, after which, you must use the refresh token to generate a new access token. 

Each access token is bound to the scope you specified while generating the grant token, i.e, if the scope while generating the grant token was ZohoCRM.modules.READ, you can only get data from all the modules but not update, create, or delete.

What do you need to generate access and refresh tokens?

  • client_id - obtained while registering the client
  • client_secret - obtained while registering the client
  • redirect_uri - specified while registering the client
  • code - the grant token you generated in the previous step
  • grant_type - the value authorization_code

What will you get?

  • access token - the token to access users' data. Valid for an hour.
  • refresh token - the token to generate new access token for the same scope. Does not expire until it is revoked or till the 21st refresh token is created.
  • scope - the scope for which these tokens are generated for.
  • API domain - the domain to which you must make API calls to access data.
  • expiry time in seconds and milliseconds - the time after which the access token expires in seconds and milliseconds. You can use this data to programmatically refresh the access token before it expires for continued access to data.
Here is how it works.

When you use our API collection, the request to generate access and refresh tokens comes with a script that automatically updates the values of variables in your environment.


1. Validity

  • Grant token - Two minutes; one-time use only.
  • Access token - One hour.
  • Refresh token - does not expire until it is revoked or a 21st refresh token is created.

2. Token Limit

  • Grant token - Ten grant tokens in a span of ten minutes.
  • Access token - Ten access tokens in a span of ten minutes. When you generate the 11th token, the first-created one will be deleted, automatically.
  • Refresh token - Ten refresh tokens in a span of ten minutes. You can have a maximum of 20 refresh tokens. When you create a 21st refresh token, the first-created one will be deleted.
The following are a few common errors you may face while generating tokens.

The access token is either invalid or has expired.
Use the right access token or generate a new one from the refresh token.
The scope you have used is invalid. 
Refer to Scopes for the list of available scopes.
The authorization code(grant token) is invalid or has expired.
Grant token is valid only for two minutes. Use a grant token to generate access and refresh tokens within this time.
Generate a new grant token if you face this error.
The redirect URI you have given in the API console is invalid.
Specify a valid redirect URI to be able to receive a grant token.
Either the client ID or client secret is invalid.
Specify valid client ID and secret while making authorization calls. The API console has the client ID and secret.
The value of the "response_type" key is invalid.
While generating access and refresh tokens from the grant token, the value of the "response_type" key must always be "code".


Zoho CRM is hosted at multiple data centers to comply with the privacy and data protection laws of various countries.
So, if your application is in the US DC but wants to use the data of users in the EU DC, you must enable multi-DC while registering your client.

The various domains and their respective accounts URLs are:

How do you ascertain the domain?

When you generate the grant token, the parameter location gives you the DC that the data is located in.
Similarly, when you generate the access and refresh tokens, the key api_domain gives you the domain-specific API URL.
For example, if you want to get the data of leads from EU, the API URL must be https://www.zohoapis.eu/crm/v4/Leads

We hope you found this post useful. We will meet you next week with another interesting topic.

Let us know your questions in the comment section or write to us at support@zohocrm.com.
