Live Webinar - Go 'Pro Team' With Our New Productivity Tool

Live Webinar - Go 'Pro Team' With Our New Productivity Tool

Is your team forced to keep switching between apps to get work done? Does it take everyone longer to complete their tasks? 
Join us for a webinar on  Thursday, May 17, 2018   to learn about our new product that'll transform the way you work and collaborate with teams across your organization - whether they are in the next room or even miles away. 

Teams are dynamic and they require tools that are flexible enough to cope with the ever-changing environment. But working with your colleagues doesn't always have to be a drag. 
Our new product can help you:
  • Manage your projects effectively and get a clear picture of who's working on which document.
  • Eliminate the need to toggle between external tools and services - which means more productivity.  
  • Create a centralized space for everyone on the team to work together, with easy access to files. 
  • Quickly locate files or folders to save a lot of time when working on diverse tasks. 
Let our tools do the work for you and you'll start seeing a difference in your team's productivity.
At this webinar, you will also learn to: 
  • Organize your team's work in a single, shared space.
  • Instantly access folders and documentation on hand.
  • Assign roles to your team members with clearly defined responsibilities.
  • Keep track of your team's activities in real time. 
  • Create and edit documents using built-in office suite tools. 
  • Share files and collaborate with partners outside the company, seamlessly.  
Date:  Thursday, May 17, 2018 
Time : 10am to 11am PDT
Couldn't make it the last time?  Register now and you're in for a surprise. 
If you have any questions, leave a comment below or write to us at

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