Notes and Attachments visibility can now be restricted based on profiles

Notes and Attachments visibility can now be restricted based on profiles

Dear All,

We hope you're well!

We are here with a quick update about Notes and Attachments profile permissions.

In the past, a record's Notes and Attachments were visible by default to all users with record access. However, as notes and attachments can sometimes contain critical information, displaying them to all users may present a problem. 

With this in mind, we have updated this behavior. From now on, Administrators can enable/disable view permission for Notes and Attachments for each profile.

This update will thus enable you to effectively moderate visibility and accessibility of your notes and attachments based on the user profiles.

That's about the update. We have opened this update for all users in all DCs. Click here to learn more about moderating profile permissions for notes and attachments.

Thanks and have a great day!

Kind regards, 
Saranya Balasubramanian