Quick Create popup for Lookup fields, Mailchimp related list and User lookup field!

Quick Create popup for Lookup fields, Mailchimp related list and User lookup field!

Hello everyone,
We have recently introduced some most-requested enhancements. Here are the details:

Quick Create popup for Lookup fields
When we create a new deal in Bigin, there is an option to create a contact/company right from the Create Deal page. Previously, users were unable to fill out any fields here while creating the contact/company and had to go the respective contact/company record to fill out any information.

So, we have introduced the Quick Create popup which has additional fields that can be filled out for the new contact/company while creating the deal itself.

Furthermore, admins can also customize the fields that need to be shown in the Quick Create popup, saving them the time spent on revisiting the details page again to fill out the information.

Quick create popup is applicable for all Lookup fields in Bigin including custom lookup fields.

Mailchimp Related list
We are introducing 'Mailchimp Related List' in the Contact module. After integrating Mailchimp with your Bigin account you can find the Mailchimp related list in the Contacts detail view. It will display the timeline of interactions between that contact and the Mailchimp lists configured in Bigin.

User field
We have the Owner field for each record in Bigin and the record Owner has the permission to edit and update the record details. However, you might often come across instances when multiple users collaborate on a deal. In such cases all the users who work on the deal would need access to edit, update or even delete the record! To provide multiple ownership for a record, we have introduced the User field that will provide all the users with the same privileges as the record owner.
This is currently available in paid and trial editions of Premier and Zoho One.
We hope you find these enhancements helpful, do try them and let us know your feedback in the comments below. We have more such updates lined up for release, keep an eye on this space to get notified about it right away!
User Education | Bigin