Show ordered quantity on packing slips and invoices

Show ordered quantity on packing slips and invoices


Is there any way possible to show the original ordered quantity of an item (as recorded in the sales order) on subsequent package slips and sales invoices, so that these documents can show the customer the ordered qty vs the qty being currently shipped/invoiced vs the remaining qty still to be shipped/invoiced.

For eg. customer orders 10 x Item A, we can only supply 5 now, with the remaining 5 to be supplied later. We’d like to have on the customer’s package slip and sales invoice a column showing they ordered 10, another column showing 5 being shipped/invoiced, and then another column showing 5 still to be supplied.

It seems that this information is available for the sales order template customisation but not for other related templates.  Is there any way to pull the sales order qty etc information to related packages and invoices?