Tip 37: Time Log Restriction in Zoho Projects

Tip 37: Time Log Restriction in Zoho Projects

Timesheet in Zoho Projects helps you big time in entering log hours for the tasks and issues and approving them. Now, with the new Time Log Restriction option, you can set daily and weekly log hour limits. You can restrict users from entering extra log hours than the permissible limit. The limits are restricted to 24 hours per day and 168 hours per week by default based on business hours. To customize, navigate to Task & Timesheet settings under Portal Configuration in Zoho Projects setup and enable Time Log Restriction.

For example, let us consider that a manager allots the daily limit as 8 hours and weekly limit as 50 hours. The employees will be able to log up to 8 hours per day. If only 5 hours are logged, the remaining 3 hours can be logged later. However, the Time Log Period settings must allow you to log time for the past and future dates. 

When Time Log Restriction is enabled, you will need to handle the timers by starting or stopping them as per the log hour limits. The following are the restrictions. 

  • If you stop a timer within the log hour limit, you can update your log details right away. 
  • You cannot start or resume the timer for a task or issue if you have already reached the daily or weekly log hour limit.
  • If your timer is exceeding the daily log hour limit, you can update the end time of the timer and stop the timer on that day itself. If you don’t stop the timer on the same day, you can later update the actual log hours and stop the timer.
  • If your timer exceeds the daily and weekly log hour limits, you can manually update the actual log hours or remove the timer.

Note: When you sign out of Zoho Projects, you will have to stop or remove the timer(s) that are exceeding the log hour limits and update the permissible log hours. 

If you have any questions, you can comment below or mail to us at support@zohoprojects.com

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