UI problems on small screens

UI problems on small screens


I am afraid that the recent change in UI causes problems for small screens.  Mine is 1024x600, and the browser takes some height (I use Chrome), but even in full screen mode it is cramped at best.  The UI doesn't fit, so the top row of options (preferences and the like) is invisible and thus unclickable.  The toggle to make this row disappear is gone, by the way - I always used that.

Of course I always minimise the chat bar (it would be nice to have that as a preference ).

The tabs and buttons seem to have grown in height, and the vertical spacing of the folder tree at the left has increased.  As I have a few private folders, "Unread mail" has disappeared below the screen bottom.  (Allowing the standard folders to be moved into one overall folder would help a lot!)

In the preview pane, "add label" now claims a full row of its own - that makes three rows between the list pane and the preview pane.  Maybe you intend to put more on those bars, but currently it is a painful loss of height - and then a fourth row "Images are not displayed" is added every now and then - I have a very slow connection, so I don't want images by default.

I do appreciate your hard work, but please have an option for small screens!
- Minimal vertical space between lines in the folder and list panes
- All options for the preview pane on a single bar, and with minimal heigth
- Minimal height for buttons and tabs
- The toggle to hide the top row

An even nicer option would be to have the button bars only expand when the cursor is on them, and shrink away when the cursor leaves them.

Thank you,
J. A. "Biep" Durieux