Workflow Custom Function for any existing Module for Box

Workflow Custom Function for any existing Module for Box

The Box extension for Zoho CRM is one convenient way to access stored data and share files with leads and contacts (by default) from Zoho CRM. You can extend this functionality to custom modules too. Follow the steps below to see how it's done.

To associate the above custom function to a workflow rule:

  1. Click Settings > Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  2. In the Workflow Rules page, click the Create Rule button.
  3. In the Create New Rule tab, specify workflow rule parameters that you require.
  4. Execute the workflow during Record Actions. Select Create or Edit and click Next.
  5. Select All Records in the following options. Next, select Custom Function to be triggered under an Instant Action.
  6. Associate the custom call function to be triggered. Click Save.

To create custom buttons:

  1. Click the Settings > Setup > Customization > Modules.
  2. Click $Module of your choice$ > Layout.
  3. Drag and drop the Fields from the New Fields tab.
  4. Click Save.
//Note: the custom function should have "record_id" parameter

// getting record info from Leads or Quotes using the record_id
    quote_info = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Quotes", quote_id.toLong());

// Getting Box folder ID from the record info

    box_folder_id = quote_info.get("Box Folder ID");

   if ((box_folder_id  ==  null)  ||  (box_folder_id  ==  ""))


      rootFolderId = zoho.crm.getOrgVariable("box.box_rootfolder_id");

        if (rootFolderId  ==  "")


// Returning since the root folder ID is empty



       tokenObj = map(); 	
       tokenObj.put("folder_name", "Quotes");

       tokenObj.put("parent", rootFolderId);

// Using the token object and Box connector to call the invoke connector 
      from CRM API
      createFlrResp = zoho.crm.invokeConnector
                     ("", tokenObj, true);
        if (createFlrResp  ==  null){


// Get the status code from the createFlrResp

        status_code = createFlrResp.get("status_code");

        quote_folder_id = "";

        resp_obj = createFlrResp.get("response");

// Checking for same folder name

        if (status_code  ==  "409")


            context_info = resp_obj.getJSON("context_info");

            conflict_ids = context_info.getJSON("conflicts").toJSONList();

            for each entry in conflict_ids


                quote_folder_id = entry.getJSON("id");



// Returns the folder ID if these conditions satisfy

        else if ((status_code  ==  "201")  ||  (status_code  ==  "200"))


            quote_folder_id = resp_obj.getJSON("id");


           if (quote_folder_id  ==  "")




//Get the record name if folder ID exists

        first_name = quote_info.get("Subject");

tokenObj1 = map();

tokenObj1.put("folder_name", first_name);

tokenObj1.put("parent", quote_folder_id);


// Update the folder id and record name using API


createFlrResp1 = zoho.crm.invokeConnector
                  ("", tokenObj1, true);

status_code1 = createFlrResp1.get("status_code");

resp_obj1 = createFlrResp1.get("response");

rec_folder_id = "";

  if (status_code1  ==  "409")


            context_info1 = resp_obj1.getJSON("context_info");

            conflict_ids1 = context_info1.getJSON("conflicts").toJSONList();

            for each entry1 in conflict_ids1


                rec_folder_id = entry1.getJSON("id");



        else if ((status_code1  ==  "201")  ||  (status_code1  ==  "200"))


            rec_folder_id = resp_obj1.getJSON("id");


        if (rec_folder_id  !=  "")


            updateMap = map();

            updateMap.put("Box Folder ID", rec_folder_id);

// Update the Box folder ID using the CRM API

            update_resp = zoho.crm.updateRecord
                          ("Quotes", quote_id + "", updateMap);



Related List For Quotes Module :

// Note: the custom function should have "record_id" parameter

// Getting record info from Leads or Quotes using the record_id

    quote_info = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Quotes", quote_id.toLong());

    box_folder_id = quote_info.get("Box Folder ID");


// satisfies the below conditions if folder id is empty
if ((box_folder_id  ==  null)  ||  (box_folder_id  ==  ""))


        rootFolderId = zoho.crm.getOrgVariable("box.box_rootfolder_id");

        if ((rootFolderId  ==  "")  ||  (rootFolderId  ==  "none"))


            xmlList = ("Folder for Zoho CRM is not created yet in Box. 
If you are an administrator, please go to Box Settings tab and create
a Root Folder.
And, if you are not an administrator please contact your administrator."); return xmlList; } // Creates the folder name as module name under
      the root folder if folder id exists

        tokenObj = map();

        tokenObj.put("folder_name", "Quotes");

        tokenObj.put("parent", rootFolderId);

        createFlrResp = zoho.crm.invokeConnector
                        ("", tokenObj, true);

        if (createFlrResp  ==  null)


            xmlList = "Please authorize Box to view Box Files. 
                       You can authorize Box in Box Settings tab.";

            return xmlList;


        status_code = createFlrResp.get("status_code");

        quote_folder_id = "";

        resp_obj = createFlrResp.get("response");

//Satisfies the below condition when the folder name comes same

        if (status_code  ==  "409")


            context_info = resp_obj.getJSON("context_info");

            conflict_ids = context_info.getJSON("conflicts").toJSONList();

            for each entry in conflict_ids


                quote_folder_id = entry.getJSON("id");



        else if ((status_code  ==  "201")  ||  (status_code  ==  "200"))


            quote_folder_id = resp_obj.getJSON("id");


        if (quote_folder_id  ==  "")

            xmlList = ("No files exists for this record.");

            return xmlList;


//get the record name and folder id from quote_info

        first_name = quote_info.get("Subject");

        tokenObj1 = map();

        tokenObj1.put("folder_name", first_name);

        tokenObj1.put("parent", quote_folder_id);

        createFlrResp1 = zoho.crm.invokeConnector
                        ("", tokenObj1, true);

        status_code1 = createFlrResp1.get("status_code");

        resp_obj1 = createFlrResp1.get("response");

        rec_folder_id = "";

        if (status_code1  ==  "409")


            context_info1 = resp_obj1.getJSON("context_info");

            conflict_ids1 = context_info1.getJSON("conflicts").toJSONList();

            for each entry1 in conflict_ids1


                rec_folder_id = entry1.getJSON("id");



        else if ((status_code1  ==  "201")  ||  (status_code1  ==  "200"))


            rec_folder_id = resp_obj1.getJSON("id");


//Update the folder id using the crm API

        if (rec_folder_id  !=  "")


            updateMap = map();

            updateMap.put("Box Folder ID", rec_folder_id);

            update_resp = zoho.crm.updateRecord
                        ("Quotes", quote_id + "", updateMap);


        xmlList = ("No files exists for this record.");

        return xmlList;



  	 tokenMap = map();

        tokenMap.put("FOLDER_ID", box_folder_id);

        tokenMap.put("limit", 100);

        tokenMap.put("offset", 0);

//get the folder items created under the root folder using the token object

        folder_items_map = zoho.crm.invokeConnector
                        ((""), tokenMap, true);

        folder_items_status = folder_items_map.get("status_code");

        if (folder_items_status  ==  "200")


            listfolder_resp = folder_items_map.get("response");

            entries = listfolder_resp.getJSON("entries");

            entries_list = entries.toJSONList();

            if (
               (entries_list.toString() == null) || (entries_list.size() == 0)

                xmlList = ("No files exists for this record.");

                return xmlList;


//Get the json object items from the entries list



                i = 0;

                recordsXmlStr = "";

                for each entry in entries_list


                    type = entry.getJSON("type");

                    name = entry.getJSON("name");

                    id = entry.getJSON("id");

                    description = "";

                    if (toString(entry).indexOf("description")  >  0)


                        description = entry.getJSON("description");


                    if ((description  ==  null)  ||  (description  ==  ""))


                        description = "--";


                    size = "";

                    if (toString(entry).indexOf(("size"))  >  0)


                        size = entry.getJSON(("size"));


                    if (
                   ((size  ==  null) || (size  ==  "null")) || (size  ==  ""))


                        size = "0";


                    content_modified_at = "";

                    if (toString(entry).indexOf("content_modified_at")  >  0)


                        content_modified_at = entry.getJSON


                    if (content_modified_at  ==  null)


                        content_modified_at = "";


                    modified_by = "";

                    if (toString(entry).indexOf("modified_by")  >  0)


                        modified_by = 


                    if (
                        ((modified_by == null) || (modified_by  ==  "")) || 
                              (modified_by == "null")


                        modified_by = "--";


                    shared_link = "";

                    if (toString(entry).indexOf("shared_link")  >  0)


                        shared_link = entry.getJSON("shared_link");


                    shared_link_url = "--";

                    if (
                        ((shared_link == null) || (shared_link == "null")) 
                        || (shared_link  ==  "")


                        shared_link_url = "--";




                        shared_link_url = shared_link.getJSON("url");

                     link = "" 
                              + box_folder_id + "/1/f_" + id;
                    if (type  ==  "folder")


                        link = "" + id + "/";

                        type = "Folder";




                        type = "File";


                    if (content_modified_at  !=  "")


                        content_modified_at = content_modified_at.replaceAll
                                                    ("T"," ");


                    size_str = "-";

                    size_str = ((((size).toDecimal()  /  1024))) + "";

                    if (size_str.indexOf(".")  >  0)


                        pos = (size_str.indexOf(".")  +  3);

                        if (pos  >  size_str.length())


                            pos = size_str.length();


                        size_str = size_str.subString(0,pos);


                    size_str = (size_str) + " KB";

//Construct the xml using the above responses

               recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "";

               recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "";

               recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "" + type + "";

               recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "" + description + "";

               recordsXmlStr = (recordsXmlStr + "" + size_str) + "";

               recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "" + content_modified_at + "";

               recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "";

                    if (shared_link_url  ==  "--")


                        recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "--";




                        recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "Shared Link";


                    recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "";


                recordsXmlStr = recordsXmlStr + "";

                return recordsXmlStr;



        else if (
            (folder_items_status == "401") || (folder_items_status == "404")


            xmlList = ("You need to be invited to the Box root folder.
Please contact your administrator to get access to content
            already linked to this record.");

            return xmlList;




            xmlList = ("Unable to get files related to this record from Box.");

            return xmlList;


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