Your Project Progress Gets Quicker With Task Templates

Your Project Progress Gets Quicker With Task Templates

Welcome back dear friends! Zoho Projects makes your work lighter, and quicker by developing a standard structure that adapts to all your projects. Let me not put it up long-winded. Alike, creating project templates , you can also create a standard template for all your tasks.

Here you go with the important things that you can do with Task Templates in Zoho Projects!

For example: You own a wedding planner company. How will you manage your team for successfully running the big day?

What you actually want to do?

Create a rough plan on arranging photographer, stage decoration, costume designers, make-up artists, food and beverage, seating, etc.

What do you do?

  1. Create a new project and name it as 'wedding planner 1'.
  2. Create tasklists and tasks by naming it under different entities as mentioned in your planner.
  3. Create sub tasks for all your tasks for delineating your work even better.
  4. Assign the concerned employees for relevant tasks and subtasks.
  5. Once done, you click ' Mark as Complete ' and close the requisite tasks.

Next time, there is another wedding...

What will you do?

Simple as that, you draft a rough plan and start creating project, task lists , tasks and sub tasks.

Again, the next time there is another big wedding event....

The plan is the same, but you end up repeating the same planner every time .

How will you make it easier?

Imagine, if you have a clone tool that duplicates your plan whenever you need! In Zoho Projects, you have Task Templates that help you create a default structure for your tasklists and tasks so that you can reuse them while creating live projects.

Now, you can create a template and use it 'n' number of times in your projects.

How will you create a task template?

  1. In Home , click Task Templates .
  2. Select Add TaskList Template and enter the name.
  3. Click Add to add the template to your portal
  4. Now, select Add Task Template and start adding the required tasks.
  5. Click the Other Actions icon and select Add Subtask to start adding your subtasks (if any).
How will you copy the templates to your new project?

While creating a new task list in your projects, just choose the already created template and click Add

Now, coming back to the second wedding planner. You can create a project named 'Wedding Planner 2' and choose the template created for the first planner. Just click Choose from template and select the requisite template and click Add

How will you manage your tasks while using templates?

Every task needs a specific time period for meeting the deadlines on-time. So, while adding a task in a template, there are two options called 'Start After' and 'Duration' . Both the fields can be selected according to your convenience: days, weeks, months or hours.


If you want to add a new task in a template, you should specify the Start After and Duration . Say for example, your project's start date is 06/16/2016 [MM/DD/YYYY] , then you can specify the Start After section either in days, months, weeks or hours after the project start date .

Well, now it's your turn. Open your Portal, and start creating Task Templates for effectively managing multiple projects in your Portal.


Monica. R

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