How Do I Create A Progress Bar
Hello, I'm a new user to Zoho Sheets. So far, I'm liking the software. There is a specific task I have been trying to accomplish, and I can't figure out if it's possible or how I would tackle it. I want to create a progress bar that represents how much
Feature enhancement: Highlight rows based on a cell value
Hello Sheet users, We're excited to announce a new feature enhacement, shaped directly by your valuable feedback! As you might know, conditional formatting is a great tool for anyone dealing with large data sets. Previously, if you’ve ever wanted to draw
Zoho Sheet import error
The error "Sorry! Couldn't import the spreadsheet. Please try again later." appears when trying to either of the attached spreadsheets, and I'm not sure what the reason is.
Restore deleted spreadsheet
Hi all, I can not find my spreadsheet. It seems that my spreadsheet is deleted. Please, restore the spreadsheet. Thanks in advance
Zoho Sheet for Desktop
Does Zoho plans to develop a Desktop version of Sheet that installs on the computer like was done with Writer?
Create and save user-specific filter views with Zoho Sheet
The filters in Zoho Sheet have become even more collaboration-friendly. Previously, whenever you filtered any data, the filtered view will be updated for all the spreadsheet collaborators. This disturbed the data for others working on the same file. With this new update, you can apply data filters without altering the view for other collaborators in the file. Collaborate with user specific filters Let us say you are working on a sales report spreadsheet in real time with two remote colleagues. If
Stock function not working for Brazil (Bovespa)
Hi, The STOCK function in not working for the Brazil Exchange "Bovespa". This is the syntax I´m using: =STOCK("Bovespa:BBAS3";"PRICE"). Thanks for any help. Ale
Populate Data from Zoho Creator to Zoho Sheet
Hi People, Any recommendations for the use case below? Use Case: 1. Extract all projects along with their related tasks, timesheets, and issues and create a consolidated file Initial Approach: 2. A scheduled workflow will trigger in Zoho Creator to extract
How to get NSE/BSE Stock Prices in Zoho sheets?
I've been looking for a function that provides me with the NSE/BSE listed stocks price in Zoho Sheets like GOOGLEFINANCE in Google sheets, but I found none. Please help if there is any way to het stock prices?
Zoho Sheets working offline
Hi, I am looking for the ability to work offline in Zoho Sheets, but currently I cannot find the process to complete this. Does someone have any ideas or steps I might have missed? Also does Zoho Sheets have the "Format as Tables" function as is currently
Anyone Can help me converting Excel VBA to Zoho Macro?
The Macro in general is pretty simple, It just opens a Workbook and copys some of data from that Workbook to the one that was initially open. But when I try to use it on Zoho I get this error "Unknown function: GetOpenFilename". If there is any other
when I open my sheet ,it always start at "A1" despite I left it at "N234"
when I open my sheet ,it always start at "A1" despite I left it at "N234" Is it possible to make the sheet open where I left it?
Zoho Sheet - Desktop App or Offline
Since Zoho Docs is now available as a desktop app and offline, when is a realistic ETA for Sheet to have the same functionality?I am surprised this was not laucned at the same time as Docs.
Sheet Access
How do you set a spreadsheet to only allow certain people to access certain sheets? Like if I wanted to have someone view one sheet that pertains only to them, they can't see the other sheets on the spreadsheet while allowing someone else to view theirs but not others.
How to merge data from Zoho CRM to Zoho Sheet
Hello! A few months ago, I made a Zoho sheet with the ability to bring in data from Zoho CRM. It worked by adding the email of a Contact to the sheet, and then it would fill in the rest of the information in the row with information that was stored in
disable auto-save
While testing a new sheet I often want to quit without saving if a new idea does not work out, but with autosave, I keep getting stuck with mods I don't want. Can I disable autosave?
Sharing sheet without affecting original spreadsheet
I want to share a sheet using a password unique to the end user who will be able to enter data that will help them make a decision. I don't want or need any changes to show up to original file inside my Zoho account. I will be sharing this sheet over
Does Zoho Sheet "Save as PDF" support Thai font?
Hi I want to download Zoho sheet as PDF Document. In the preview it looking good but when I dowload it the font is look different. I use "Cordia New" but the result look like it swtich to "calibri". I try to use "Print" then select printing destination
Collaborators are not able to upload images
Good afternoon, We have a sheet with 2 current collaborators and when they try to upload an image , a pop up comes up ' server error, there was a problem saving your last edit. Please try again' Can you kindly assist?. Thanks, Annrica
Zoho Sheet - Printing - Page Breaks and Printing Customization
I think the title is descriptive enough in that I cannot find help documentation on a simple task of adding in page brakes for separating pages on print. Thanks
Can I give access of my Zoho Spreadsheet?
Hello Everbody! I work with a travel and tourism company, and my job is to record the data of clients of the company. And I use zoho for my work. So my question is can I give access of my sheet to the clients and my company. Kindly guide me. Thankyo
Copy across spreadsheets in Zoho Sheet
Now, you can copy your sheets to other spreadsheets or create a new spreadsheet with them. Not just sheets, copy a cell/range and paste it on any spreadsheet with formats and formulas unchanged. Copy cells/ranges Copy cells/ranges to same/different spreadsheets using Copy & Paste options, or Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts. Copy sheet To the same spreadsheet The feature for creating a copy of a sheet in the same spreadsheet is now available as 'Duplicate'. Into a new spreadsheet Want to start a new spreadsheet
Invalid Value Type Error Conditional Formatting
Hello, I'd like to use conditional formatting on a table using Classic conditional formatting for Cell Value, but when I attempt to apply the formatting, I get the error "Invalid Value Type: Value must be of type number". The error is being produced because
How do I share a single sheet from ZOHO spreadsheet?
I am sure I saw this option 15 days ago. I just stumbled on it and can't find it any more. I would like to share one sheet of a single document to each collaborator. Was it not possible? Thanks in advance!
Allow users to display columns dynamically
I have a table with 50 users in Column A and the dates 1 Jan to 31 Dec along Row 1. I want users to be able to add data to the cells but would like to make it easier by allowing users to select a date and display that. So if the user wants to add data
PDF Import
Hi Guys, Zoho Sheet now supports file formats such as XLSX, XLS, XLSM, ODS, CSV, TSV, SXC, XLTX, and TXT. However, support for PDF files is not available yet. Adding this option would be very helpful. Thank you!
Using Zia in Zoho Sheet data to research the internet and return answer to a cell in Zoho Sheet
I'm trying to see if Zia (connected with OpenAI key) can take data parameters stored in a Zoho Sheet to conduct research out on the internet then return an answer into the same Sheet. I'm trying to do the equivalent of using something like the =AI() function
I want to add a PDF file reports on a ZohoSheet Cell but i dont know how. I can add images but not files. Can you help me? Thanks a lot.
Transitioning FESCO Bill Project to Zoho Sheets and Integration Options
Hello Zoho Support, I'm considering transitioning my FESCO bill project from Google Sheets to Zoho Sheets and wanted to know if there are integration options to seamlessly migrate our existing work. You can view our platform here, any guidance would be
Is it possible to display formulas in cells instead of calculated results?
I want to export my Zoho sheet as tab separated text without losing the formulas. In excel, I would use the settings Options - Advanced - show formulas in cells instead of their calculated results then save as tab separated values. How do I do this in
Zoho Sheets not compatible with Excel/Google Sheets
In order to share a copy of a Zoho sheet with someone that does not use Zoho, it must be downloaded as MS Excel format and then added to an email. This is a labor intensive, and frankly confusing process. I have forgotten to do this before, only to
Conversion of functions from Google Spreadsheets
Hello! I use this formula "=QUERY(ResumoOrdemVencimento!A3:O38;"SELECT A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O WHERE C != '' ORDER BY C,G")" in Google Sheets but when importing my spreadsheet into Zoho Sheets the formula was not converted. The QUERY function brings data from another spreadsheet, and then I sort and apply conditional formatting. The order of data will change automatically as I update the source spreadsheet. What Zoho Sheets function is equivalent to QUERY? I have some other spreadsheets to
Is Drawing feature supported in zoho Sheets?
Is there any option to draw arrows and some basic shapes such as circle , rectangle etc in zoho sheets? if so, can someone help me find it
Collaborative editing of spreadsheets by multiple users simultaneously - Is it really possible?
I work in a SharePoint 2010/SharePoint Server 2010 environment and we use MS Office 2007(Excel 2007) . I have been trying to create a MS Office document which will allow multiple users to work on a spreadsheet simultaneously. For that I have: 1) Created a excel workbook and published as a workspace as suggested by Andrea Kalli in her link: 2) Set up and saved the Excel Workbook as "Shared" and made it available
Revamped Print in Zoho Sheet—customized for paper
The latest enhancements to Zoho Sheet's Print settings allows you to print a worksheet or a selected range, with customizations that make the data comprehensible, even on paper. Customize header and footer Make your spreadsheets meaningful with a relevant header and footer. You can now choose to display the file name, sheet name, current page number, total pages, date, and time as the header and footer in your print view. Besides the predefined elements, you can also give a custom text for header/footer.
Tip #19 - Create checkbox tracker in your spreadsheet
Hello Sheet users! We are here with yet another tip to help you get the most out of Zoho Sheet. Spreadsheets can be used to handle a variety of tasks, but ever tried using checkboxes to track the progress of your action items dynamically? Here's a sample
Suppress "spreadsheet will not be saved" message on published sheet
I have published a sheet and have one column on that sheet that the user can edit (a dropdown picklist where the user can select the status for each line). Is there a way to suppress the Zoho Sheet message "Any changes made to this published spreadsheet
Zoho Sheet Custom function column showing Error #EVAL!
Hello I have a custom function in Zoho Sheet developed to convert a date time from one time zone to another. The custom function takes date and time columns and then using subHour( ) converts the time to PST time. However, though the custom function works,
Zoho Sheet-Pulling in Data
I have a module where we track POs, Bills etc (its easier for us this way). In this PO Module, we have a task related to a Job/Deal and various fields for costs. A Supplier on a Job might have several POs in this module for the job. I want to generate
Data not visible in sheet cells
I'm having an issue where my data is not visible in my sheet cells. If I click on an individual cell, the data does display above in the little "fx" box. But all the boxes in the sheet just look blank. My collaborators do not have this issue. I have checked
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