Mail Merge: Need Transparent Background for Signatures
I'm using ZohoCRM and Zoho sign to send documents to customers to sign. We use zohoCRM's "Mail merge" option to create the templates. The problem is that those "Signature" fields have a solid white background so it looks like a stamp on the page instead
Non-static method zsign\ApiClient::constructErrorMessageFromAPIResponse() cannot be called statically
Hello - I sent this before but not sure you received it as I was not logged in to my account. We get this error now when running on the server - we never used to get this error before! Non-static method zsign\ApiClient::constructErrorMessageFromAPIResponse()
Custom Domain for Zoho Sign
Can we have Custom Domain for Zoho Sign?
I sent a curl GET request using temporary development API token but did not work
Hi I gave this curl -H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken xxxxxx" The response was: {"code":9041,"message":"Invalid Oauth token","status":"failure"} The token was the development temporary oauth token (given well within
Do you have a Postman collection for Zoho Sign Api that I can download?
Hi I hope to get a Postman collection for Zoho Sign API which I can download. Please let me know here. Thanks
Blockchain Feature?
Since I'm not an expert in this technology, is there any reason why you would not want to add this option to your Zoho SIgn documents? Is there a downside?
Can we have an override option?
Is there any way to give an override to the final approver in the case of errors on the form?
How can we restrict options?
If we have a from with several options for a question, how can we limit the signer to one option instead of being able to check all the boxes?
Embeded sign Frame-Options issue.
Hi guys, we are testing the zohosign embedded signing feature, where we display a pdf in an iframe that a user can sign. This all works well and good, but we are running into a problem whenever the user clicks something like "download signed document",
Embedded signing with prefilled data
Hi guys, we want to embed the signing of a document in our page, but are struggling to figure out the proper steps, I have a few options I've been testing, if you can help me with any/all of them, that would be great. Option 1 - BEST CASE - Templates
Zoho Sign E-Mail Template Text Section at the bottom is too large on mobile
Hello, I would like to modify the text under the email templates in Zoho Sign. Where can I find the option to do so? Here is a screenshot that shows that the text section at the bottom is displayed too large on mobile:
Free webinar: Transforming data collection and document signing workflows with Zoho Sign and Zoho Forms
Hello everyone, Are you still using paper-based processes to collect and store critical business data? Say goodbye to labor and cost-intensive operations by digitizing them with Zoho Sign and Zoho Forms! Online forms and digital signatures go hand in
Zoho Sign Needs to be able to allow for signers and approvers to comment
Please make it possible for someone to comment and add their preferences or comments, change requests within the document. Which notifies the sender to update or respond to their comment/question.
Replicate Zoho Sign UI in Deluge script
I'm trying to write a Deluge function for sending document sign link via SMS With my current deluge script, I can get the sing link delivered by email, no SMS info zoho.currenttime.addHour(17); deal = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Deals",id); account = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Accounts",deal.get("Account_Name").get("id"));
Extracting data from signed Zoho Sign documents
Hi, We have a few Zoho Sign templates, and there are a number of fields within the document that the customer needs to complete, how can I extract these please, I've looked at the API, Backstage and still cant find a way - can anyone help? Thanks Ant
How would I collect a signature in person on Zoho sign?
Suppose I have a customer show up at my office and we close a deal. I have an iPad ready to go, and I need to have the customer sign the document right there. How would I do it?
Replicate Zoho Sign UI in Deluge script
I'm trying to write a Deluge function for sending document sign link via SMS With my current deluge script, I can get the sing link delivered by email, no SMS info zoho.currenttime.addHour(17); deal = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Deals",id); account = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Accounts",deal.get("Account_Name").get("id"));
Extend Zoho Sign Trial
Hello, I started the Zoho Sign Trial without even using it and now I want to test it but I can't. Is it possible to get a little bit of extra trail period?
Zoho Sign: Real Estate User Group Virtual Meetup
Hello! We would like to kickoff this year with a virtual meetup to discuss the applications of Zoho Sign in Real Estate. In this digital era, real estate professionals, whether the customer, agent, or broker, expect to be able to complete all real estate
Issue in getting PDF of the completed document.
I have created a template. I create and send the document from this template using this API[Template Id]/createdocument . The API response has document id which I save in a database. Sample response in API documentation:
"{"code":4003,"message":"Access to view the document is denied","status":"failure"}"
We want to use embed signing. Trying to get the embed URL but it gives me this error. Was able to get action_id and request_id . $hostdomain = "remove_for_security_reasons."; $url = "{$request_id}/actions/{$action_id}/embedtoken?host={$hostdomain}";
Introducing Zoho Sign's integration with OpenAI via Zia
Today, we're excited to announce Zoho Sign's integration with OpenAI via Zia, our AI-powered assistant for businesses. With this integration, you can now get a quick summary of the key details in the agreement or contract before signing. This way you
Zoho Sign email template variables
Currently, the variable for Zoho Sign Template name is $DOCUMENT_NAME$ for email templates. Is there a way to create a variable for the actual document name? These two names are very different and we would like to use this data. Maybe a global varia
Restrict Access/Shared Access
Sometimes access to documents that go out from Zoho Sign need to be restricted or shared. For example: 1) HR department send out employment contracts. Any Zoho Sign admin can view them. Access should be restricted to those that HR would allow to view
Free webinar : Integrating Zoho Sign with Zoho Finance apps for effortless transactions
Hello everyone, Does your business operations involve getting various invoices and estimates signed? Do you find yourself chasing people down for signatures and payments? In either case, we have you covered! Zoho Sign's integration with the Zoho Finance
Issue when requesting api embedtoken
I am making an api request. /api/v1/requests/{REQUEST ID}/actions/{ACTION ID}/embedtoken And I get an error {\"code\":1011,\"message\":\"This account does not have the permission to sign the document\",\"status\":\"failure\"} I have a trial account What
HTTP Code : 400. The selected document type does not exist
my code is this ``` $templateObject = new TemplateObject(); $actions = new Actions(); $actions->setActionType(Actions::SIGNER); $actions->setPrivateNotes($request->input('template_name','')); $actions->setRole(Actions::SIGNER); $actions->setSigningOrder(0);
Is it possible to redact fields after signing?
We sometimes send contracts that have a place for clients to leave sensitive information like social security numbers or credit card numbers. Is there a way to redact these fields after they are filled in by the signer?
Unable to upload document error on zoho sign
i am creating a document using laravel php and here is my code and i get this reponse {"code":2005,"message":"Unable to upload the document","status":"failure"} $path = storage_path($file); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
I am getting invalid data entry when i use zoho sign api i didnt get detail information
I am getting invalid data entry errror when i use zoho sign api i didnt get detail information
Free webinar - Getting started with Zoho Sign
Thank you for taking the first step toward digitizing your paperwork. Join us on our upcoming interactive webinar session to know more about how Zoho Sign can help your business streamline your document signing process and make most out of your Zoho Sign
I am not receiving the certificate merged with the document upon completion
I have it set in "upon document completion", see attached image, but I am not getting the merged document. Is there another setting i need to select?
Zoho Sign: Request for FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 regulatory requirements pertaining to electronic signatures
We have a potential client in the pharmaceutical industry who need to have their digital signature solution to be compliant to FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 regulatory requirements pertaining to electronic signatures. Zoho Support confirmed that they are working
Zoho User Group Mumbai Meetup - Zoho Sign + Zoho Contracts in Zoho CRM
Hello! Are you a Zoho user that uses Zoho CRM to manage your customer data, and Zoho Sign & Zoho Contracts to send out business documents, agreements, and contracts for signatures on a daily basis? Here's a chance for you to meet, connect, and network
Zoho Sign - Zoho CRM Mailmerge - Prefill by you
Hello, I'm currently exploring sending a Zoho Sign from a mail merge template in Zoho CRM. I have found this resource: I don't see
Can you disable sign type?
When requesting for client signatures, is it possible to disable the type option? So only a drawn signature or upload can be used.
Free webinar: Getting business documents digitally signed on your mobile devices with Zoho Sign
Hello everyone, Do you often conduct business on the go? With the Zoho Sign mobile app, you can carry all your business documents with you to close deals and sign digital agreements! As more and more businesses adopt electronic signature workflows, we're
Is it possible?
Is it possible to have a signer/approver enter email addresses after they approve the document? Here is the scenario: Realtor has a couple of home buyers, buyer #1 and buyer #2. Realtor fills out an offer to purchase contract and sends it to buyer #1
Healthcare Zoho User Group (ZUG) Virtual Meetup featuring Zoho Sign
Hello! Are you a Zoho user that works in healthcare or with businesses operating in the healthcare industry? Here's a chance for you to connect and network with other users like you, from your industry or geography, and learn from each others' Zoho experiences.
Pulling field data from template for api use
I am using Zapier to integrate Zoho Sign and Dotloop, when one of my
documents is complete it will create a new loop in our account at
Dotloop. How can I pull specific field data from the document (which is
a template) For instance, when the document
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