How to set up Survey and ZohoCRM to work together.
Hello, I have a question about how to set up Survey and ZohoCRM to work together. I have a question about how to set up Survey and ZohoCRM to link Survey and ZohoCRM so that the date and time of a customer's survey response is also displayed in the ZohoCRM
SSO for Zoho Survey
I'd like to connect a Zoho survey with an identity provider to restrict survey visibility and access as such. the idea is that I want restrict access only to my registered users; the exact idea would be to run the end user through OAuth flow before they
Which variable to use to dynamically redirect survey respondent upon completion
Hi there. I am using another platform (Recollective) to send out a Zoho survey, and need to dynamically redirect respondents back to the platform upon completion, such that their response is logged as being completed as an activity. I am following these
Zoho Survey's export is great. What about import?
It would save a ton of time to be able to create surveys via import, especially given that images can only be uploaded one at a time. Please add the functionality to create surveys via import, or hey, bulk import of images to add to surveys would be great
Image is not displaying in Survey End Page when i use additional languages
Hi, i have set up a survey in german with images in the normal pages and also in the Survey End Page. I can use images in the pages when I use additional languages and it works. If I use images in the Survey End page they show up in the editor, BUT when
Multi column open text questions that allows respondents to add rows for additional information
I need to create a question that has 2 columns with open text, but I also need to allow respondents to click a "+" button, or something similar, so that they can add additional information if they choose to. I've tried using the Multiple Textboxes type
Survey to CRM Integration with Lead Scoring
Hi everyone, I'm not new to the database world, but am new to Zoho and sales. My new company has asked me if it's possible in Zoho to send out customer satisfaction surveys that would integrate with Zoho CRM (which they're already using) to track lead
Survey choice bullets
I created the survey using a trial version. All questions have the same list of choices; strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. I entered the choices on the first question and then carried them forward to all of the other questions.
Zoho Survey or Forms
Hello, I want to ask for advice on a use case to determine how I can recreate this in Zoho Survey or Forms. We would like to send online onboarding forms for various needs. We usually send it one respondent at a time. When we send these forms, at many
Tiny Tip Tuesday #55
We’ve been discussing various ways to improve the response rate of surveys and subtly, using effective terms and conditions is an essential factor in it. When a customer receives a survey from someone, the immediate questions that pop up in their mind
Can you pass a hidden field value OR log WHO sent the survey?
Hi there, We want to use Zoho Surveys as a post-support survey tool where our client services team member will send the link to a user to complete after they have had a support call or ticket answered via an email sent against a Zoho CRM Contact. We want to match the responses to the agent. We can pass the name of the support tech in a URL variable but then it is easily edited by the customer once the field is populated. So I would like to have the ability to pass a URL variable that creates a hidden
Tiny Tip Tuesday #54
In this article, we'll be seeing why it's important to set up survey preferences and how to do it. To begin with, it's important to set up survey preferences for a survey because doing so directly affects the respondent. Survey preferences add a minute
Pre-Populated Survey Data
I have data being brought into a survey from Zoho CRM. (I love that I can do this by the way) This information is being brought in to help the survey responders by providing some information regarding the issue. However I do not want them changing
Scoring in Summary Report?
Hi, Survey is a great tool. But I can't seem to find the scoring data in the summary report. If the data for other questions can be included, why not scores? I.e average for score, and the statistical data as well like mean, median, mode and standard
How to recover deleted responses in Zoho survey?
Hi, may I know if there is any chance to recover deleted responses in Zoho survey if my survey is still open (active)?
Pre-populate part of the survey with merge tags from Zoho Campaigns
I am building a survey and as part of the response, I'm trying to get recipients to confirm accuracy of their contact information (name, email, city, company, position) or correct if needed. I have their current information (if any) on the list in Zoho Campaigns. Is there a way to pre-populate the survey form with that information and send the survey invitation using Zoho Campaigns?
Collect participant emails separately from responses
Hi, I'm designing a survey for feedback from team members and I want the survey to be anonymous, but also want to do a raffle for respondents to incentivize participation. Is there a way to collect their emails without tying it to the rest of their
Variables in a the multiple choice options
Is there a way to use url parameter variables in the multiple choice options? As in, I create a url that says And when they click, they see the multiple choice question: What is your favorite
Tiny Tip Tuesday #53
Recently, we've seen how survey end pages can increase your survey’s response rate. In the same way, survey introduction pages play a huge role in carrying out your survey’s purpose. There are three parts that make up a great survey introduction page:
Is there a way to randomly display only one question out of a group of questions in Survey
I have a survey that asks some generic demographic questions and then needs to ask a SINGLE satisfaction question, but I would like to have the single question be rotated or randomized so that if a user visits three times they have a chance to see three
Remove from dropdown when submitted
Looking for a little help: I have created a store attribute survey with the following logic: - district manager selects their name from a dropdown (one answer) - district manager is presented with another dropdown (one answer) with a list of approximately
Have ability to lock an entry
During CRM integration, it is great to be able pre-populate certain Survey fields from CRM data. BUT, if the customer decides to edit/change any of those fields, they also get changed in the CRM....which is not good to have your internal information possibly being changed without you authorizing it. The request: allow for fields to be in the survey but "locked" from user input. Therefore the CRM data is there, but the user cannot change it. Thanks!
Survey Email Distribution: Method to select eMail address based on field in the CSV
Using an imported CSV to create an eMail list, can a column form the table be used to select which eMail addresses are send an invite for a survey? i.e. Column labelled "Member type" and we want 100 invites sent to each type: "Type 01", "Type 02",
Export of survey definition
Hi, Is it possible to export the definition of a survey (for instance in XML or CSV) I need to have a file with: - All questions - All possible answers (of a boilerplate, checkbox or multiple choice etc.) - Type of question So NOT the responses but a
Skip Logic: Logic tree to check logic for errors
Is there a feature in Survey Builder to check a survey's Skip Logic for errors/dead-ends? This has been a valuable tool in other survey providers products when a survey is complex due to multiple question/answer paths.
Questionnaire does not SHOW LOGIC
It is difficult to review a questionnaire with complex logic in Zoho. Solution: some survey software will show the logic on the export version of a questionnaire (e.g. MS Word version) so that it can be used for review (it's easier for some people to review on paper, or in a wordprocessor document). An example is shown below (you will see the logic shown in brackets at the end of the question): Q.9 How did you find the service provider? q I saw an advert
How to connect the ZOHO mail to your professional website.
Hello! I have gone through some tutorials where I have learnt to create the professional site email for your business. For example: I have a website, tennisworld. SO i Can create a gmail where I will be able to add my domain name into my email. That
Chart.JS library
Hello! Is there a possibility to integrate a java Script library to Zoho Survey like Chart.JS? Thanks!
Individual Reports
Hello! Is it possible to calculate out of a likert scale different variables? Like the mean of questions 1, 6, 11, 16 are the new variable extraversion. The mean of questions 2, 7, 12, 17 is the variable openness... And then use this calculated variables
Likert Scale & inverse questions
I Found this post from 7 years ago - I have the same issue. Is there a solution now? "Hi, I really like the look and feel, and ease of use of Zoho Survey, but need to reverse score a likert question, then total and average a number of non-consecutive
Changing Survey Source in Cloned Email Campaign
I cloned an existing email campaign that includes a survey. How do I change the survey source in the new email to point to the new survey I created?
Free Plan - Survey 10 Question Limit
I am currently on the enterprise trial and created a survey with over 10 questions, when the trial ends will this survey still be usable?
Create links without mailing them
Hi, Is it possible to create a list of unique loginlinks without having them mailed? (these links will be mailmerged and send by paperpost to the users)
When a customer responds, I want to receive a deluge of values for the other items in the question choices.
Hello. I am trying to create some things in Deluge when I receive a response from a customer in Survey. I have added the other items to the question choices, but I am not able to receive the answered values. How can I receive the answers in deluge?
Tiny Tip Tuesday #52
Survey distribution plays a crucial role when it comes to increasing the volume of audience data. When you use multiple platforms to distribute surveys, your data intake becomes greater and more diverse. It’s best to distribute surveys in a way that captures
Scheduling a survey every quarter
Hello, I've a survey that needs to be sent to a specific group of Zoho users. The survey should be sent every quarter. How would you automate the sending ? The questions is not specific to Survey. I guess another zoho app could do the job, and sent the
have a hidden field
is it possible to have a hidden field the way it exists in webforms? I would like to be able to have a field which is hidden, but be able to populate it with either information I already have (merge tags) or fixed information.
Recommended background image size
In Forms, I'd like to add a background image that doesn't stretch to fit, but covers the area (non-tiled). What is the recommended image size for this?
Add image in footer
How do I go about adding a centered logo in the footer of Survey?
Survey background image size???
Is there a recommended image size to use as a full-page background in a theme?
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