Formatting in translated survey
Hi, I'm putting together a bilingual survey that has some basic formatting (line breaks, italics, email links) in some of the "descriptive text" boxes as well as the survey conclusion page. Unfortunately, attempting to reproduce this formatting on the
Matrix Grid Formatting
Is it possible with a matrix grid question to lock the columns so when the respondent scrolls to a row that is farther down the screen, the column questions are still visible? Similar to freezing rows in Excel? Also, is it possible to make the column of row choices or columns shorter? I'd like to have them all viewable on one screen, so the respondent doesn't need to scroll right.
Currency "question" in Zoho Survey
Hello! It would be awesome if you could add a "currency textbox" to the question types in Zoho Survey. We are a company for energie management and we ask for a lot of amounts with decimal places in our surveys. We would appreciate this! Thanks and best wishes, Esther
What is a 'user' in Zoho Surveys, and can I have multiple Offline Kiosks running?
Is a 'user' the amount of people that can make and edit surveys on the website? I basically just want to know if I am able to have multiple Offline Kiosks running on multiple devices at the same time. Either on the Basic or Plus plan which both have 1
Fundation / Non profit : Could you help ?
Hi, We're about to handle a Medical research fundation, non profitable structure, what kind of prices could we hope from you ? Could you help us ? We would need Survey, automated campaign and ZIA Thanks in advance
Editing Responses Afterwards
Is it possible to revisit a survey where no personal data, such as an email address, is collected and modify the previously submitted answers? My actual goal is that if a certain score is not reached, the respondent receives a message and remains on the
Exporting uploaded files in bulk on Zoho Survey?
Hi, I have a survey that includes an image upload field, I'd like to be able to export the individual responses in bulk, but it appears only the name of the image uploaded, and not the image itself gets exported. Any way to have the images be exported
Matrix dropdown
Is there a way to create a matrix question with dropdown answers but 1 row correlates to 1 column? So really I want to combine 4 dropdown questions into 1 matrix but each question has a single, and different, dropdown for answers.
Code API récupération enquêtes et documents
Bonjour peut-on générer des codes API avec Zoho Survey ou Forms afin de récupérer des questionnaires existants sur nos autres outils ? Comment procéder ? Faut-il disposer d'un abonnement particulier ?
Is there API Doc for Zoho Survey?
Hi everyone, Is there API doc for Zoho Survey? Currently evaluating a solution - use case to automate survey administration especially for internal use. But after a brief search, I couldn't find API doc for this. So I thought I should ask here. Than
Proceed with SSL certification for your domain
Hi Team For white labelling of Zoho Survey, we have done the following things Domain Mapping Go to your domain provider's Admin Console Create a CNAME entry under your domain Edit the CNAME to Kindly proceed for the SSL Certification
Zoho Survey | Get Signature as Image/PDF
Hi All, Is there a way to get the signature as image/pdf, we currently have the Zoho Survey connect to Zapier as webhook, but the signature question field doesn't return an image/pdf value. Is there a workaround for this?
Automation steps defined by embedded quiz or survey answers.
I'd like to define a user's automation workflow based on how they interact with an embedded ZOHO quiz or survey in the first email. While I can easily define steps based on users clicking a link in an email I feel like I'm missing something more robust
proceed with ssl certificate to use my domain
hi there i have completed the steps of creating and editing CNAME i want to use my domain.
Assistance with Survey Consent and Anonymization
Hello, I am conducting a survey that requires both the minor’s consent and their parent’s consent prior to participation. As part of the consent process, I am required to collect the names of both the participant and their parent. I want to ensure that
Zoho Survey - Respondent User Portal - RealTime & Response Access
Hello everyone, I have two questions which I would appreciate your guidence on. 1. I have written to Zoho and they tell me no REAL TIME API access is available against completed surveys. From what I gather the only way to get these in real time is to
slider scale
We have justed moved from Survey Monkey to Zoho Surveys. One feature that was very important in SM was a slider scale to estimate spending. We ask a question "how much money do you spend on x?" Depending on the product the scale goes from 0 to 5000+ so
Zoho Analytics to Zoho Sheets - automatic update?
Hi all, If I create a zoho sheet from an Analytics Report or Analytics Data, is there a way for the zoho sheet to automatically update as the Report / Data in analytics updates?
Survey end date extension
Hi, Is there any way to extend the end date of my survey? I needed more time in finding respondents that is why I need to extend the end date of my survey. Help. Thanks
Zoho Survey Partially Completed Send Reminder to Complete the Survey
I have couple of survey's set up through a link webform. These survey's are not being distributed through email, only a website link. We get more than 50% partially completing the survey. Is there a way to send an email to these people? I looked under
Dynamic Variables for Organization Names in Forms and Emails
I’m currently using your platform to distribute a standardized questionnaire to various organizations, and I would like to make the experience feel more tailored to each recipient. Specifically, I’m wondering if it is possible to use a dynamic variable
Zoho Survey for reselling for a research company
Hi, We need to use Zoho survey as a reseller of the the survey tool to our customers to conduct their feedback and survey. Just like how Zoho analytics provides option for on premise license based purchase - reseller model , can we purchase 10000(e.g
My survey is getting tons of responses but no one should have access…why?
Did my survey get a bot attack as soon as I put it on? I have like 200 responses. Where are all these coming from? Can I someone talk to me and find a way to fix this? Do I need a capcha thing on zoho surveys? I need help ASAP. This is so disappointing!!
Email Distribution - Unique link by group/multiple emails
Hi I would like to know if there is any way to send a unique link to multiple emails via email distribution. Example: 1 unique link for Group A, 1 unique link for Group B, 1 unique link for Group C. Each group has 3 emails/persons. So, if Person 1 from
Request: Custom CSS Theme
I would really like a custom CSS theme that enables me to completely customize the look and feel of the survey page based on the typography of my company brand. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be complete customization with existing themes. This
How can you attract more responses to your survey from those who visit your website?
First off, make it personal. When you reach out to your visitors, use a warm tone. You might say something like, “Hi there! Thanks for checking out our site. We really value your opinion and would love to hear your thoughts!” Next, keep it clear and concise.
CRM integration error - "Record Id not available to update the record."
Hi, I am trying to synchronise my Survey with the records in my CRM but when I look at the CRM sync status it shows me that none of the records are successful with the cause of failure to be "Record Id not available to update the record." - Screenshot
How to delete collectors?
Hi Collectors in surveys are useful and I knwo how to create and use them. But how can I delete a collector from a survey that for instance was created by mistake no longer necessary cause it's a remainder of an old survey I used to create a new one Thanks for claryfying
zoho survey doesn't support subforms does it?
Does zoho survey support subforms? i'm using zoho forms, but i want to add password protection, i was investigating surveys but i don't see subform?
Zoho Survey in Singapore
Does data collected thru Survey need to be kept in Singapore to comply with data privacy laws? We'd like to use Survey for collecting data in Singapore but Zoho tells us that they do not have a data center in Singapore and Survey cannot be hosted se
How to customize the font size on the introduction page?
I know we can customize the buttons on the introduction page, but it would be helpful if we could customize the title and text font size for the introduction page, since it is different than the rest of the survey. Should be applicable to the Survey End
Background color for specific page
I would like to have a background color for the first page of my survey (where I present and introduction and instructions). Can I do so, and if so, how?
Accessibility options
I regularly use your survey platform to conduct research involving a diverse range of participants who all live with chronic and severe illnesses. Over time, I’ve received consistent feedback from respondents indicating that they encounter difficulties
How to integrate a form field with a Zoho CRM lookup field type?
In a Zoho CRM module layout, I have an Accounts module lookup field and in the survey form, I want the user to be able to select from/choose the correct Account name that matches the one stored in the CRM. How do I do this? I can't use Zoho Forms as the
Iterative logic for conditional multiple choice.
I am wanting to build a survey where a user starts the survey by selecting in a multiple choice (many) question, which items they own. From there, I want for conditional logic to lead the user to a page for EACH item that was selected in question 1. Right
Zoho Surveyで複数回答の選択件数を限定する方法
初めて投稿します。Zoho Surveyで多岐選択(複数回答)の選択件数を限定したいです。過去、そのような設定ができたと記憶しておりますが、詳細設定をクリックしても、選択件数を限定する設定がでてきません。機能がなくなったのでしょうか? もし、機能がなくなった場合、皆さんはどのような代替方法を活用していますか?ご教授ください。
Zoho Survey como cambiar como cambiar el envio de correo que se envia del dominio por defecto de Zoho survey
Saludos con todos: Soy nuevo en Zoho y estoy probando la plataforma. Mi idea es mediante Zoho Survey poder almacenar todas las iniciativas de proyectos de desarrollo que me lleguen ya su vez una vez enviadas automáticamente se envie un correo a varios
Enabling instant engagement through inline email
The phrase "Fast-paced world" has been in usage for decades. Yet, its relevance has not weaned a bit. Time is money, and to stay afloat in business, it's important to develop user-friendly engagement tactics that respect your customers' time. Here is
Zoho Survey Issue in Syncing with Google Sheet and Zoho Sheet
Been having this problem for the last couple of weeks. I'm receiving an error when trying to sync Google Sheet and Zoho Sheet. Errors are Bad Error and reach out to zoho support.
Increasing response versatility
Quality always takes center stage when it comes to Survey responses, but there are two more components that deserve to share the spotlight: quantity and versatility! The more diverse the sample is, the better data range we receive. Today, we look at a
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