Search is not working well
I create a new article with text "foo" i can save it and search and find the article When i edit the article and add "zoo" and save it I get no results when I search for "zoo" I have wiki pages a month old that can't be searched so it's not an issue with re-indexing (unless zoho indexes once on article creation and then every year or something bad) If I delete foo and zoo and then add in poo and save I can search and find the article with both poo and foo but not zoo Some funky bad indexing and caching
Wiki Group Migrating to Accounts Group
Dear Wiki Users, As we are going to release revamped permission feature with more flexible options, your wiki group will be migrated to Zoho Accounts group. If suppose, your wiki name is, then your group name will be one of the below given options 1. wiki name - zohowikihelp 2. wiki name with .wiki - 3. wiki name with .wiki and .numbers -, This group will get listed in accounts group list with a description "Wiki
Categories and sub-categories
Other wiki products have a feature that lets you take your tags (also known as categories in other products) and create a hierarchy. I can find no easy way to create a hierarchy of tags in zoho wiki. Does this feature exist or is it coming?
Custom Top/Bottom Panel Not Working
Hi, It's a long since I tried the customer Top/Bottom panel but it no longer seems to work on my wiki. I'm guessing I've changed things too much, how can I get back to selecting my own Custom Top/Bottom panel? I have tried 'Top Panel' edit and entering text, but it never seems to save, and so my Top Chanel does not change. The Logo option does work though, Cheers, John
wiki api
Is there any api for wiki.zoho?
navigation pane for zoho wiki
How can i customize the "navigation pane" for zoho wiki? I'd like it to be much taller than the default size and show all the tree items, similar to the navigation page on Thanks.
Alllow embed of zoho scripts
IS it possible to have a widget that allows the embedding of zoho originated scripts? I can understand that you do not want to use external scripts, but scripts from zoho writer, discussions feedback widget? Dr John Kenworthy
PDF icons in File cabintes
PDF files in file cabinets are not always showing the proper icon. Most of the time, we are seeing this: Instead of this:
Hierarchical url structure for sub pages
What is holding me from using Zoho Wiki for one of the projects is it's url structure. I would like to see the hierarchical uri structure for subpages ( Google Sites has this feature but does not allow custom css. Zoho Wiki allows custom css but lacks sub pages structure in uri. I have repeated subpages title for each subcategories and existing uri structure Zoho Wiki offers is not the solution for me.
Subpage listing parameters
Hi, I would like to be able to indicate le root page for "Subpage listing" plugin, not only the default current folder. It would be much more usefull for documentations papers. In hope you like the idea. Regards, Didier
Can't switch to English interface
I set up English interface in settings, but it is still Russian except settings menu. Please help! У меня проблема - везде в настройках указал английский язык, а интерфейс вики всё равно на русском? кроме меню настроек. И всё бы ничего, но очень корявый перевод. Помогите, пожалуйста!
I want to deactivate some widgets before I am charged
I have a free plan. I was checking things out and activated some pro paid stuff I do not want but cannot get rid of. How do I do so? Beth Cornell
Inviting students to ZohoWiki
I have to invite 150 kids of about 10 years old to use Zoho Wiki. How can I do this without sending them emails? I have their usernames and passwords that we use here in the school. I would like to include them with their passwords and users, without sending email to each one. Could you help me?
I am teacher and I should like to use the ZOHOWIKI to do a collective work. I should like to now if may I invited my students without accounts of email.
How can I embed a video from
No matter what I do, I can't get this to embed on the site. Your validation seems to strip everything here. <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <p id='preview'>The player will show in this paragraph</p> <script type='text/javascript'> var s1 = new SWFObject('','player','320','260','9'); s1.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); s1.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); var meta = 'id=91670&title=How to Disable User Account
Google AdSense: Let's Settle the Question
In reference to, Mano says 2. Yes. you can add adsense to your wiki pages. Then in reading user mbparker's post, and following a link to mbparker's site you will indeed see Google Ads on the CustomTopPanel (note, the site seems to be editable by anyone, so I have taken a picture in case it gets hacked). However, the ads are embedded java-script, which... is the only way to display AdSense should be auto-scrubbed per
Writer Docs not showing with wiki embed
I have two different Writer documents that have been embedded in a Zoho Wiki using the proper procedure (adding a Zoho Writer widget). These look the way I want them to when I am logged into my account, however if I log out of my account the widgets just show login information rather than the text from the Writer document. Both Writer docs have been made public. This doesn't make any sense if each viewer has to be logged into a Zoho account in order to see the items in the widgets. What am I missing?
inviting users to zohowiki without sending emails
If anyone could help me, I am trying to include my students of about 10 years old without sending emails. It would be superb if I could insert the list of usernames and passwords, sepparated by commas and the wiki would absorb them as users automaticcaly. Is it possible?
Is it possible to embed a file in a Wiki page?
Is it possible to embed a file within a Wiki page? (not using the "attachment" function on the bottom of the page)
embed calendar
someone asked this question back in 2008 but never got an answer, so I'm asking it again. Is there anyway to embed zoho calendar into the wiki?
Problem with Dashboard Pages
I am unable to attach Zoho Spreadsheets or Docs into the dashboard widget. I am able to navigate and choose a particular spreed sheet but all I get is a loading please what message on what looks like a default spread sheet login page. Note I am able to view the spreed sheet just fine in the Zoho Sheet application. Also I tested attaching a Writer document with similar failed results Thanks in advance for your help. John
Please add support for Vizu polls
Problem with Dashboard pages
Hello, I am having problems attaching Zoho Sheets & Zoho Writer documents to a Dashboard Widget box. I can successfully pick a Sheet or Document... so it knows to look for the documents I have created. But when I save the dashboard page and then display it ... the widget says it is loading the Sheet or Writer document, but never displays it ... just the message it is loading... The strange thing is ... early last week I was able to successfully do this.... and it worked great. The only change I have
Embedding Non-YouTube videos in Zoho Wiki
I am testing Zoho Wiki to see if it will work for my in-house training. I can embed Youtube videos and other videos from common video sites, but I can't seem to find how to add a video that I have sitting on my existing web site that is not on YouTube. This is a private training video for my staff only. Thanks, Garland
Group set up problems
When I click on my subscribed wikis, I am denied access. Also, when I tried accessing them from the invitation it shows no groups listed.
More Themes
It would be great to have additional seasonal themes for ZOHO Wiki: winter, spring, summer, and fall And maybe have them change automatically based on the wiki timezone! Another neat thing would be a theme that changes based on local weather conditions (much like some of the new Google Mail themes).
Translation into Dutch
Hello, I'm using Zoho now for several months. I work with B-crm, the dutch CRM-partner from Zoho. I'm using zoho wiki for several applications. I'll like to help in translating zoho wiki into dutch. Please send me some information. kind regards, wim bartol
Can I do Moderated Registrations?
I am looking at Zohu Wiki for an application and I have a question. Id like to let the public see it all, but I want to only allow approved users to edit the pages. The best way would be to let them register and then I approve or not--moderated registrations. Is this possible?
Youtube widget copy/paste issue.
Editor: Advanced Editor (WYSIWYG with all tools) Purpose: To put multiple Youtube vedios on the page. ex vedio A, B, C, D and E. Procedure: Use "widgets" button to put on vedio A, B and C respectively Select vedio "C" and copy/paste twice (to make vedio D and E), Double click on the pasted vedio D or E to change the Source vedio url. The three vedio C(copied), D(pasted), E(pasted) are linked to be changed at once, either one is changed will cause the other two are changed too.Is it designed to ack
Logged in Group Members
Hi, Is there anyway by which I can know the following 1. How many group members are logged on to the wiki at this moment + User login history viewable by the wiki administrator? 2. Hit count for each page in a wiki? Regards, Bala
Upload zoho docs in my wiki
Hi every body, Sorry if my english isn't perfect, i'm french so... I have a problem to upload my files on my wiki so i did it to zoho docs, believing there would be a bridge between the two tools but i can't find it... Does anyone know how i can do ?
How to a rename "Monitoring Panel" word in Main Page (account
How to a rename "Monitoring Panel" word under the logotype in Start(Main) Page (account For example we need in stead of "Панель мониторинга" - "Карта сайта" (Site map in translate) Our lecturer ask for this.
Wiki backup not backing up Tags
I've looked inside the wiki backup Zip file that the backup creates and I can't see that any Tag information is being backed up i.e. the Tags themselves are not backed up, and neither are the Tags assigned to pages. This makes the backup slightly flawed and incomplete. I would agree that we can't expect to backup absolutely everything about a wiki, but I would suggest that Tags are an essential part of a backup (and also that it is not too difficult to implement?).
Hiding a page in a Wiki?
I created a custom top panel, but it's showing up as a page in the site navigation bar. I'd like the page itself hidden on the navbar without changing the permissions so that no one can see the image. Is there a way to do that? Thanks! ~Makbawehuh
wiki accesible only from IP
HI, I need my wiki to be accessible only from 1 IP address. Can you help me, how can I do it? thanks. tatiana
Theme Bug
This is all using the top wiki menu bar: If I try to change a Theme by following this route, it does not work: My Menu>My Wikis>Settings>Wiki Themes>pick one and save But, if I follow this routre, it works: Wiki>Settings>Wiki Themes>pick one and save
Chat, Export as PDF & Doc in Wiki
Hi Forum Users, Please look at the following page for our latest updates on Zoho Wiki. You can watch that page or use RSS feed of that page to get instant notification about the updates on Zoho Wiki. Or you can use the What's New link in the Help menu at the top bar for new updates. Please try our new features and let us know your comments/feedback/clarifications/issues. Regards, Mano
The Wiki WYSIWYG Editor is Terrible
Please integrate a new WYSIWYG editor in the Wiki. The options provided are very quirky and inconsistent.
Let It Snow
On my old site, I could use javascript to add a snowing effect on my page for holiday spirit. For example: I'm not seeing how this is possible in ZOHO wiki PS: I like your Santa logo!
Google Friends connect in zoho wiki
Can I add Google Friends connect in zoho wiki? If yes, then how? if no, then do you have any plan to incorporate the same in near future? or do you have any such similar feature to add the facility of membership, polling and newsletter on zoho wiki? Regards
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