Using MathType with Zoho Wiki
Hi, I know many of you use MathType, so I wanted to let you know we now have instructions on our website about using MathType with Zoho Wiki. These instructions explain how to: Set up MathType to work with Zoho Wiki Add an equation to Zoho Wiki Copy equations from Zoho Wiki to use in other work (Word, PowerPoint, or anywhere else you can use MathType) This also works in Zoho Writer, but not in any other Zoho apps. Feel free
Global (Domain-level) Wiki Serach
Ref: I'd like to propose that a new wiki widget be added that supports Google's custom search. The code generated for this contains java script, and so we cannot paste it directly into a page. But if you provide a widget for this purpose, that will help. Currently, I'm forced to use an i-frame to display the search page (see
Quick Search
I'm not clear if the quick search tool only indexes the current wiki or if it will search all my wikis (I have a multi-wiki account)
Please explain what value there is in adding tags to my wiki pages.
Page level permissions
Can I intorduce page level permissions to wiki, whereby a page can be viewed by only one or few memebers from a group of members?
Could I upload local Flash to Zoho Wiki?
Hi, I have made a nice flash and I want to upload it to Zoho Wiki for sharing. How I do can make it achieve? Thank you! Best Regards.. Chuanli.
Inserting Formulas And Code Into Zoho Wiki
Hello. Could you add the Formula Editor from Zoho Writer into Zoho Wiki? Sometimes we need to share some formulas and mathematical Ideas... Moreover, it would be great if you added a special template for codes. something like this: Thanks.
Requesting Additional Custom Panels
The value of the CustomTopPanel and CustomBottomPanel is that we can hide these pages from users, but they can still see the content. I enjoy having the ability to set the permission to private, so they do not appear in the Navigation Panel and SiteMap. I'd like to see additional panels with this ability. Specifically, to make custom navigation panels that do not also appear as pages in the site map etc. In other words, while the view/edit/etc privileges would be private, the panel would still rending
help us with wysiwyg tables
We need better control over the table created with the wysiwyg or pasted in. The randomly changing cell sizes, the disappearance of borders, and the lack of option for formatting cell text margins are big problems for me and my team. We tried pasting in a well-formatted table from EXCEL, but that also is not stable. Help please Janet
export Wiki to a new account?
I tried several online wiki's and found Zoho to be the best. So now I want to set up a wiki for my organization. During the testing I created a test wiki on my own Zoho account. Now I want to place this test wiki under the new account I made for my organzation. It seems to be not as simple as exporting and the importing it in the new account. How can I move this wiki to the new account?
Version Numbers: SharePoint Does it Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Better
Once again I have a situation where version numbers are interfering with my organization's communications. Now, we all know that sending links rather than attachments in email is the way to go. We sent one today to 500 people and realized that the date on the linked form is wrong. Rather than spam everyone with an new email, we decided just to edit the linked form. Hey, that's the benefit of sending links over attachments, right? WRONG for ZOHO wiki! Now the link in people's email is broken! Why?
File Cabinet Enhancement
The wiki file cabinet page needs to have a couple more options besides "add file". Does it not make sense to also have "Add Zoho Document"? I find it rather obtuse to make a document in Zoho Writer, save it to my desktop, and then upload back to the wiki. ALSO, if I open a document in a file cabinet, should there not be an option to open it online in zoho writer? This flys against the whole idea of working 100% online.
CustomTop/BottomPanels appear on main site navigation
Hi, Is there a way to stop the top and bottom panels appearing in the main site navigation? Cheers
How can I insert a custom toolbar widget from jisbar?
HI, I have a toolbar that I use on the pages of my website and would like to add it to my zoho wiki.. The toolbar is inserted easily on any site using the following javascript: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> However, the script tags are stripped out whenever I add them to an area of my wiki.. Is there a way I can make this work? Thanks a lot, Nick
Starting from scratch
I deleted a wiki that I had created called InterpretNZ in order to start from scratch. When I try to recreate this wiki, I get a message saying that the domain already exists, even though I already deleted it. Can I get this domain back?
4 bugs with wiki?
1. Save function does not work for me when editing a page in firefox 3.5.5. Save does work in IE but with the following secondary bug: 2. Saving page edits in IE (using IEtab in Firefox) results in page corruption (paragraphs move about on the page in a predictable way). 3. The view sourecode button doesn't work in firefox for me, works ok in IE. 4. alphanumeric text characters are replaced by HTML tags when the page is saved.. i.e. apostrophes are replaced with ' any ideas whats going on? thanks.
delete wiki
I am trying to delete a wiki. I would like to keep my zoho account, but not the wiki. edward
Creating groups with the group members list
Hello, Is there a way to make groups within the group permission settings? This way you could have certain pages for a small group of people and others for another group of people without it being open to domain or zoho registerd.
Documents and Folders
Please consider having the option to mass up-load documents into Zoho Wiki. We are porting content from SharePoint over to Zoho Wiki and the process is tiresome. Also, I'd like to see folders in Zoho Wiki, or at least tags that act like folders.
Access Denied!
Hi, just enabled the bottom panel in my wiki but am unable to edit it. I get an access denied message as below. Any ideas? Ta Chris
Widget for Wiki
I'd like to have a sign-in widget to place on any page of my wiki. The tiny sign-in link at the bottom of the page is often not found, especially if I have a very looooooooooooong wiki page. This way, I can make it more obvious where to click. Thus clicking the link in the widget would invoke the same floating sign-in box:
Wiki - Latest Updates
Hi All, We are updating the latest updates in the What's New page at the following url You can watch that page or use RSS feed of that page to get instant notification about the updates on Zoho Wiki. Or you can use the What's New link in the Help menu at the top bar for new updates. Please try our new features and let us know your comments/feedback/clarifications/issues. Regards, Mano
new sign-out bug
It looks like the fix you did for the custom domain sign-out problem is causing a problem with signing out of wikis that aren't custom domain. When I sign out of my wiki, I expect to get taken to the Zoho wiki sign-on page ( That's the way it's always behaved. As of today, when I sign out of my wiki it displays a sign-in box to enter username/password, and when I close that box it is on a blank version of my wiki with a message that I don't
How do I add a Logo to a Wiki?
Can I add a logo to the wiki? I have several Wiki's and I have a company logo for each group that I would like to upload to each wiki and have it display on the top bar. is this possible? (or something similar)?
Hidding tag list
Hi, How do I hide the Tag: title that appears under the page title? can this be performed a wiki wide and/or per page basis Thanks
Creating tabs
I'm wondering if instead of viewing content on the left side, if it's possible to have tabbed content on top of a page. I'm new to Zoho so please excuse if this is answered somewhere else.
why not add latex import in wiki as writer?
zoho writer support latex import, why not wiki too? anyway, we need zoho wiki to write science works. thanks!
How about autosave? Just lost the last half hour as there's no autosave :-( I know it's not a lot of time but it's frustrating. Maybe I should be using Zoho Writer if I'm doing a lengthy document but I prefer the way wikis work...
Text disappears when I try to edit the wiki content
Hello, I tried to edit my wiki pages yesterday and today and when I click on the edit button, all of the previously entered text disappears and I can't tell where to insert the new text or links. Can you please help? Thanks, Dave Moorer
How do I embed .flv or .mov-files into my wiki?
Hello there, Yeah... that's what I want to know: How do I embed .flv or .mov-files into my wiki? Or in other words: How do I embed a video file I uploaded in my wiki as embed,script,frame,object,style-HTML-codes don't seem to work? Note: No, I don't want to embed a youtube, google video or vimeo link as I want the video only to be seen by invited wiki users. yours, Laurent
Side Navigation
I have noticed that the navigation sidebar panel changes in an undesirable way when you enter sub-pages. For example, here is my top-level panel: Now I open a sub-page: And finally a document library: Note that all the top level stuff is gone. I understand that the breadcrumb trail can lead the user back, but what is ZOHO's philosophy for hiding the other levels in the panel? I do not agree with this. I'd like to see all the levels, however deep I get into the wiki.
add other themes in the site?
I want to add a different template/theme for my wiki so I googled and found one of them from here. I download the theme I wanted (CSS) and tried to put that CSS file (althought it had several other files with it) in my site and it doesn't change anything. What can I do?
We are sorry, you may have typed the incorrect address, or the page may be no longer exists.
When a user hits a non-existent page, they get this message: "We are sorry, you may have typed the incorrect address, or the page may be no longer exists." I am suggesting that you make a small change by adding, "We will now redirect you to the parent website." And then pause for a few seconds then redirect.
Support Google Webmaster Tools
Can you support Google Webmaster tools? This allows us to check crawl stats, visitor stats, and other useful data. This requires a verification process where we add a meta tag or special html file. Clearly I cannot add a meta tag to the site header. So I tried to make the special html file (new page>google77c34e6175ad5d31 for example). But the verification fails, I'm guessing because the site url I see is actually a masked ZOHO site. Maybe you can add a new admin section that allows us to type in
Getting started and creating a logo for my wiki
Hi, I just set up my wiki this morning and was trying to follow the directions on the welcome page for the wiki, but I can't find the Site Settings navigation panel anywhere to customize my page a little more. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Dave
Questions about tagging pages in a wiki
I love my zoho wiki but I'm not sure about the tagging feature! 1. Why, when one of my wiki pages has permissions set to group editing and group deleting, it seems they cant delete a tag once they've added it - only myself as the site administrator can (see attached screenshots of my version and group member's version). Surely if I've given the group permission to edit this page, then i also want them to be able to delete the tags! 2. When you click on a tag you've created - what does the close
Simultaneous editing in Zoho Wiki pages
If two persons edit the same Zoho Wiki page simultaneously, the last one who saves the page "wins", and the other one loses his work. One solution could be, at least, that as long as this problem is not solved, the page should be locked for edition as soon as somebody is editing it. Example: John starts editing at 8:00, makes some modifications, is disturbed, and goes out. Bill starts editing at 9:00, works all day long, ends and saves the page at 18:00. John comes back at 19:00, saves his work started
Wiki Photo Galleries?
Gday just having a look at this and it seems pretty good but still finding my way around the system.. Just wondering is it just me or is there no easy way to make a photo gallery type page? I tried a file cabinet type page to do this thinking it might have a thumbnail view for pictures but it doesn't seem to... Thanks Paul
Embedding Zoho docs
I would like to be able to create documents using Zoho Writer or Zoho Sheets, and embed them into my Wiki pages. I can't find the feature to do this. Can this be done? Thanks.
Group members denied access
I currently have my settings selected to allow Group members to view the Wiki but not edit. I have invited several people to the wiki and they have followed the instructions received via email but receive the message "You do not have permission to view this page." When I look at the current status of their invitation in the Dashboard, it says "Pending." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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