Sub Pages with similar names ... in different Pages
Hi: New to ZOHO services ... been playing around with ZOHO Wiki ... very impressed with it so far ... will be using it to create a Resource (tips, articles, code snippets etc.) for other ZOHO Creator developers. Noticed that ZOHO Wiki does not allow Sub Pages with similar names ... even when the Sub Pages belong to different Pages e.g. ... Africa - Cities Asia - Cities ... will not allow the Sub Page named Cities under Page name of Asia. Am I doing something wrong ... or is this a restriction ? Gaev
No links, broken Zoho Wiki
When can customers expect to see the linking feature fixed on Zoho Wiki? Go to and you will see the Wiki that I would like to place on Zoho Wiki. Particularly, notice the Navigation Bar and the Site map. With correct linking any Page name can be repeated, if the repeat is linked to a unique sub page. That creates a unique URL for that repeated Page. It appears that Zoho has a lot of good I.T. talent. If more manpower resources were applied to Zoho Wiki, It could quickly become the best
Some of the e-mail notifications that my pages have been changed do not list the page on which the changes have occurred. Is anyone else having this problem.
Cannot sign in - problem at server!
This is what I see when I try to sign in to my wiki, for the last 20 minutes or so: Is there any estimated time-to-fix? Is there any web page at zoho where you publish service status, outage notices, things of this nature? Thanks.
Automate Wiki BackUp
Is there a way to automatically perform a bakup of the wiki? (i.e. without needing to manually login and click download backup?) I'm hoping you can provide scripts or the information need to write the scripts using command line tools like lynx or wget. Thanks
LATEX support
Hi , I was wondering if zoho wiki has latex support in it. I found it in zoho writer and it works really well. I think adding latex support to zoho wiki will attract a lot of academician/researcher to it. Regards, Santanu
Page not saved issue in IE (question form a paying customer)
Hi all, we are experiencing a problem with saving edited pages in IE. It says, that the page couldn't be saved. Is this issue common? And why does it occur? We work across 30 countries. All editors have different browsers and settings and we need the wiki to work as soon as possible because we have a tight schedule. (we pay for the wiki, we don't use the free version!). Thank you for your prompt answer & Best regards
Re insert poto from url
Hi, I try many times for insert a poto by from a url of picasa poto,but alway dons't work.give me idea how to do and thanks. My browser version is IE8,it's ok? other question that zoho wiki suport Chorme? should suport cause the browser very fast. Thanks Stanley Guo
Creating a new page via wiki toolbar's Web Link Button - not a sub-page
This for me is the easiest way to create a new wiki page whilst editting an existing page. I select the text to link, click the "Insert Web Link" button from the toolbar and then select the "New Wiki Page" tab. The default page name is the name of the link. When the actual html page is created, it appears at the root of the wiki, so needs manually moving via the site map. This seems strange behaviour, as a new page link is almost always going to need to be a sub page. I would suggest the default
how create user group?
Hi could you please tell me below questions: 1,how create user group in a wiki ? 2,when invite a new user join a wiki who must sign-up a zoho account? 3,can create file folder in page of file cabinet or can give a tag for the file? 4,why the poto can't sildeshow when I embed a picasa album? Thanks Stanley Guo
Google Gears compatibility
Just wondering when Zoho wiki will be integrated with google gears so i can work on my private wiki offline and then sync with my online version when i connect again. Looking forward to it.
for Custom Domain Wiki
The sign-in link at the footer for my wiki works just fine for but fails to work for it's custom domain at I have cleared my cookies and browser cache and still found this bug. I'm guessing your authentication process is not programed to also work with a custom domain.
Unable to link to attached files
I have a wiki set up with a number of files attached. Until last week, I was able to link text to attached files but it no longer works. The dialogue for attachments allows me to enter the name of the attachment but when I press the search button, nothing happens. It used to work This is a real problem for me. Dan
Problem with deleted wiki
I created a wiki earlier and deleted it today. But now instead of going to the page whenever I click on Switch to... in Zoho Writer, it goes to the URL to my deleted wiki automatically. Does it take a few days to clear the url or something?
Table Backgrounds
Create a table, and then right-click to get the table properties editor, then paste in a url to set a background image for the whole table. The image displays in the editor, but is not saved upon exiting the editor. A work-around is to view the html for the page using the editor and manually type-in background="/attach/1.0/tablebacground.gif" (for example).
CustomBottomPanel and CustomBottomPanel
I have customized by top and bottom panels, but I do not want these to appear in the sidebar navigation. Is there some way I can hide these page links?
Scheduled Maintenance for Zoho Wiki
Hi All, Zoho Wiki will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Saturday, April 11, 2009 from 05:30:00 am to 01:30:00 pm GMT. During this period, access to the Zoho Wiki service will not be available. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Regards, Mano
post comment
Viewers of my wiki (read-only) are unable to post comments to the page. Although I do not expect them to edit the page, I do expect them to post comments. What am I doing wrong ?
no javascript allowed?
Every time I try to add javascript to the HTML source of a page it is stripped out once I submit the page... My <script> tags just disappear. Is this normal? Shouldn't we be able to post javascript (adsense, analytics, etc.)?
CSS Online Editor and Attributes
It's an obvious feature to propose, but having an online CSS editor and realtime preview would really differentiate Zoho Wiki from the competition. In the mean time, is there documentation of the current default Wiki CSS (see that describes what each attribute controls? Or at least the major attributes like page size, background, menu colors, etc?
CSS Help
My wiki is required to be 800px due to my organization style requirements. I have set the body to 800px and centered it via: html,body { background-color: #000000; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 800px; } See the dashboard page here: But this does not seem to get inhered to the main content page: Note how it extends beyond the top header/title... There's a tag called "threeColLayout" which seems to control the
Wiki Feedback?
A casual review of the other Zoho Forums shows that the Zoho Team response to Wiki issues and questions is rather lacking of late. I know we are all stretched for time, but this is rather troubling. No need to respond to THIS post, please just respond to others Thanks, Nisky
Image Thumbnails in Wiki
I've been trying to create an image thumbnail in one of my wiki pages. My method so far has been to insert the image in the page, shrink and position it where I want, then link it to the actual attachment file. Unfortuantly that doesn't seem to work. When you click on the image, it makes the user download the image rather than view it. Is there another way to do this?
Adding in range of cells from Zoho sheet
I am trying to add in a range of cells from a zoho sheet but it will not accept the snippet. I know that I can add a zoho sheet using add a widget, however I do not wish to insert the entire sheet, only a range of cells within the sheet. Any help?
Scheduled Maintenance for Zoho Wiki
Hi All, Zoho Wiki will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Sunday, April 05, 2009 from 05:30:00 AM GMT to 09:30:00 AM GMT. During this period, access to the Zoho Wiki service will not be available. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Regards, Mano
In the section to add a logo, how about also adding a favicon? While the Z is nice, some customization would be appreciated.
Problem Inserting HTML
I often use the Insert HTML button to embed widgets in the pages of my wikis. I tried today to embed code from Feedburner for an RSS class I am teaching. However, when I save the wiki page, it strips the image location from the code I have embedded so that the widget does not display properly. I also tried adding the code just by editing the source code of the page. The code I am trying to add is very simple: <p><a href="" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img
very slow wiki performance
Our team experienced extremely poor performance today using the wiki. It could take over a minute to perform each action (open a page, open the editor, save). Performance has been poor as of late but today it was nearly unusable. Is any one else experiencing this?
When Right Clicking on Images in the WYSIWYG editor and selecting Image Properties the Image Properties box appears off screen
When Right Clicking on Images in the WYSIWYG editor and selecting Image Properties the Image Properties box appears off screen
Can't create first wiki
Starting at the Zoho Services page, I click the Zoho Wiki link. That takes me to a mostly blank page. At the upper left it says, "Welcome,". At the upper right is a "Switch To" drop down. Below both is "Powered by Zoho Wiki | Zoho". That's it. John
auto alphabetize the site map
Is there any way to automatically alphabetize the page list on the site map? or in any side widget? I'd like to be able to use the wiki as a kind of reference book, but would like to have a an alphabetical list of page titles. And I'm lazy, so I'd like to be able to enter the pages in any order then have a way for the app to create the list without me having to drop and drag them hither and thither. Is there any way to do this now? Or should I list this in feature requests? -Terry
Embedded Public page from Zoho Creator don't stick - cell properties reset
Since seeing the new feature of "Save - Save and Close" I have problem with wiki functionality. When I embed Creator page into wiki, it does doesn't show up after I select "Save and Close" Also, my cell property are getting reset to default when I "Save and Close" i.e. background color, text position, etc. I've cleared cache - didn't help. Problem in every browser I've tried - Firefox, IE, Safari and Chrome.
Cannot upload images
I am unable to upload images or have them display correctly, the files appear in the Zoho filestore however when I use the WYSIWYG editor to insert the images they do not appear correctly after saving the page.
Help please with integrating show document into Wiki page
I am trying to place a slide presentation into a wiki post but I am just getting a strange half page that looks like this I tried it with every type of permission possible set for the slide show but always got this same error. Could someone please help?
Pasting from Desktop to Zoho Wiki
I'm using the Wiki to create a user manual. I grab screenshots on my machine. Is it possible to A) Copy screenshots from my desktop and Paste them directly into the Wiki B) Copy screenshots into a word documentm, Select the entire word document and then paste into a wiki entry The alternative is to have to save each image individually and insert each image individually into the Wiki entry Suggestions appreciated
Size of Images in wiki
How can I control the size of images as they appear in my wiki? I have a 5MP camera, and most of my pictures are this size. Do I need to use a separate program to resize all my images to make them smaller before I include them in the wiki? or is there a "size' option when posting saying I only want the image to be a certain size on the page?
Using adsense
1)How can i set my own domain to this wki? 2)can i add adsense and other affliates? 3)can i upload files trough ftp and other ways
1) Can i use google adsense ,adbrite and other affliates to my wiki.
Using own domain
1)Can i use my own domain which i have. 2) can i upload files trough ftp 3)can i use adsense and other affliates?
Domain does it work?!
I've read everything contained in the wiki help, but still I can't figure out how to set this kind of permission for a specfic domain. For example: I wish to create a wiki, but I don't want it to be public, so that everybody can access it. I just want that a certain number of "users" may see it, but still i don't want to force them to create an account on Zoho( thus creating a very unconvenient situation for zoho, since many users will create an account only to read some info in the wiki and will
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