Zoho Workdrive for Office, "vsto runtime not found"
Hi all, I have been trying to get ZohoWorkdrive_MS-addin_1.4.exe installed, but I keep getting the error "VSTO Runtime Not Found!" - even though I have installed it ... Anyone else hear had problems with the MS addin? FYI, I am using O365 on A Dell laptop running Win 10 Home - fully patched and up-to-date. I have tried compatibility modes and running explicitly as Administrator - the usual steps. Any advice would be appreciated.
Workdrive comment links stopped working.
I have marked a PDF file with 95 comments, they have worked for a while. When i clicked on them they brought me to the correct page and showed me the outline that i had drew on the plans. The comments included the page number of the outline, but now it
Wokrdrive Api assistance needed
Hello fellow developers, I'm currently working on integrating Zoho WorkDrive with a Bubble.io application using the OAuth 2.0 User-Agent Flow. I've encountered a few issues during the setup and testing phase, and I'm hoping someone here might have some
Workdrive Oauth2 Token Isn't Refreshing
I have set up oauth for a bunch of zoho apis and have never had a problem with oauth. With workdrive i am using the exact same template i usually use for the other zoho apps and it is not working. All requests will work for the first hour then stops so
Emoji support in workdrive
Hello, We are using emojis in our filenames and folder to help visually find relevant data. Currently Workdrive is stripping out emojis and the rest of the filename (along with the suffix), making the file unreadable when they are synchronized with desktop.
Set expiration date on document and send reminder
We have many company documents( for example business registration), work VISA documents. It will be nice if we can set a expiry date and set reminders ( for example 90 days, 60 days, 30 days etc.,) Does Zoho workdrive provide that option?
File attachments adding date and time to name when uploading?
I have set up a function that uses the mail merger api to get a lead and fill in the details, it is basic but was just using to test will fill in all the details later, It works perfectly fine the only issue i have is that when it uploads the file into
Live webinar: Streamlining legal operations: Leveraging Zoho WorkDrive for law firm success
Hello everyone, Managing legal documents across departments and jurisdictions can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Join us on March 6 for an exclusive webinar where we’ll show you how Zoho WorkDrive empowers legal teams to stay compliant, organized,
Chromebook Filemanager integration with Zoho
I would like to be able to see documents stored in Zoho Docs through the native File manager on my Chromebook. I found an article from Zoho at https://www.zoho.com/news/zoho-extends-zoho-docs-to-googlechromebooks.html which hints at it but the extension isn't available in the Chrome Store. In the Chrome OS beta channel there is now the option to add new services such as Dropbox and OneDrive and WebDav based services but Zoho isn't one of them. Can you tell me if this is currently possible or if /
Workdrive on Android - Gallery Photo Backups
Hello, Is there any way of backing up the photos on my android phone directly to a specific folder on Workdrive? Assuming i have the workdrive app installed on the phone in question. Emma
WorkDrive user
Hi, I have 7 users in my organization Can I purchase 4 licenses for "WorkDrive" and choose which user can use them from the 7 users I have? Thanks
Limit access to folders based on folder owner
Hello, due to safety reasons we would like to make sure that ZWD folders are accessible by default only to folder owners, i.e. users can access only their own folders. That would be the only way to prevent users from downloading documents that are not
WorkDrive Download Issue
My client has been sending me files via WorkDrive, which generally has worked fine. Recently files won't download at all. If you try and individually select and download a file, a popup will appear in the bottom right saying it's preparing and then it
Zoho Workdrive file versions
Hello. I have Workdrive setup to sync files offline to an external hard drive. The off line sync folder currently shows at 1.42 TB. I have a 5 TB storage limit in Workdrive. The cloud version of Workdrive says that I have used all 5 TB! I have 27, 285
WorkDrive API Documentation
WorkDrive provides users and developers an extensive set of APIs to help integrate functionalities of Zoho WorkDrive with other Zoho applications and third-party tools. We have published the official WorkDrive API Documentation page for all external users.
New in WorkDrive: WorkDrive Genie, a quick-editing app for desktop (Beta)
The WorkDrive Genie app lets you open and edit any of your WorkDrive files on the web with your default desktop applications. For example, you can open and edit files such as documents, images, and videos with Microsoft Word, CorelDRAW, and Adobe Premiere
Embed Props data value not available in the Search across team folder API call response data
Issue I used the "Search across team folder" API to get a specific folder's data in a team folder even though the folder is shared. However, the response data from the search call does not contain "embed props" value for the folder whereas when I used
Important update for WorkDrive TrueSync users in China Data Center (CN DC) & Chinese language users in other DCs
Dear WorkDrive TrueSync users, We recently identified an issue affecting users who have set their WorkDrive TrueSync app language to Chinese (Simplified/Traditional). During the auto-update process, the app would not restart automatically and unexpectedly
New in WorkDrive: Customize your WorkDrive layout to your preference
Hello everyone, We are back with another exciting updated for this month. You can now customize your WorkDrive account based on your personal choice using the user preferences setting. Choose a theme, customize view and sorting options for your WorkDrive account, and set a preferred default landing page. WorkDrive currently offers three theme options for you to choose from–Evergreen, Calming Blue, and Passion Red. For the default view, you can choose either List or Thumbnail to determine how
WorkDrive IS NOT ROTATING on the Android App as the DOCS App does
The WorkDrive App IS NOT ROTATING on my Android cell phone as the DOCS App does and that was the ONLY way to display the entire folder or file name since the App crops the names in list view. So either find a way to show the entire file or folder name
Live Webinar: Optimizing back-office operations in the manufacturing industry to maximize profitability
Hello everyone, We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming live webinar on February 6! Discover how Zoho WorkDrive can help manufacturing businesses optimize back-office operations, improve efficiency, and boost profitability. Our product experts will
Requesting a file upload in Zoho Workplace not possible?
I’m new to Zoho Workplace and am mostly liking it. However, it seems as though collecting/requesting documents is not available in the workplace version of WorkDrive. Am I missing something, or would I need to subscribe separately to another WorkDrive
Option to Disable Automatic Email Notifications in Zoho Writer
Dear Zoho Writer Team, In Google Docs, there is an option to disable email notifications when granting access to a document. This feature allows us to share the document's link manually through our email instead of relying on the automatic notification
Option to Disable Download for Documents Shared via Permalink
Dear Zoho Writer Team, Currently, when sharing a Writer document using the regular permalink (Collaborators with external users), there is no option to restrict the ability to download the document. While the external share link allows such restrictions,
Tip #5: Setting access rights at the subfolder level
Hello everyone, We hope you're finding our WorkDrive Tips and Tricks series useful. For today's tip, we'll teach you how to assign higher subfolder permissions to Team Folder members. Team Folders helps you avoid the drawbacks of traditional file sharing.
Cloud to cloud folder migration from Sharepoint to Workdrive
I am aware of OneDrive migration: https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/kb/workdrive/migrations/microsoft/articles/migrate-from-onedrive-to-zoho-workdrive#Whats_migrated would this cover a Sharepoint migration meaning I can move a whole Sharepoint (team) folder
Why Doesn't TrueSync Desktop App Have an Auto-Update Feature?
I have to manually update the app myself. I think it's a big shortcoming.
CRM Deluge how can link attach file with workdrive file.
Hi, We have create file at workdrive and would like to link to attachment at crm module by deluge. Right now can only upload it to attachment but can not link the file from workdrive. Thank you
Constant Sync Errors 🙄
I'm constantly getting sync error notifications with no actual resolution. Also... I have folders and files with a (!) on the cloud icon, indicating it's not accessible. This has also led to the complete loss of certain folders. Like... the go missing!
Files Uploaded to Zoho WorkDrive Not Being Indexed by Search Engines
Hello, I have noticed that the files I upload to Zoho WorkDrive are not being indexed by search engines, including Google. I’d like to understand why this might be happening and what steps I can take to resolve it. Here are the details of my issue: File
Use image on img HTML tag
Hi how could I do to use my image saved in Workdrive to use it in an HTML img tag ? I need to display it on my website without having to use iframes. Regards,
Allow 2 logos for Branding, one for Light Mode and one for Dark Mode?
Our logo has a lot of black text on it. If we leave the background transparent, per recommendation of Zoho, when a user is viewing a file and turns on dark mode, our logo is not really visible and looks really weird. It would be really great if we could
Is there a way to limit/turn off unlimited Version History?
We save CAD files in our Zoho WorkDrive and while the files aren't very big themselves, whenever someone hits the save button in the CAD program it uploads another version of the file to the WorkDrive. This means files that are only a few MBs in size can actually be taking up 10s of GB in our WorkDrive if someone is saving frequently. Is there a way to limit the number of versions WorkDrive stores to save WorkDrive space?
Workdrive API Get list of Sub Folders not working
Hello Workdrive API "et list of Sub Folders" not working. Can you please check this. https://workdrive.zoho.com/apidocs/v1/teamfolder/getteamfolderfolders
Emailing a document to WorkDrive
Does WorkDrive include the ability to upload a document by sending an attachment to an email address? (Books and Expenses include this functionality) If it doesn't is it under consideration? on the Road Map?
Live webinar: 2024 recap of Zoho WorkDrive
Hello everyone, We’re excited to invite you to our year-end live webinar! This session will take you through the transformative features and updates we’ve introduced in Zoho WorkDrive this year, helping you streamline document management like never before.
Workdrive Integrations - API not working
Hello, Zoho Workdrive integrations (APIs, Connections, etc). are not working. The first discovery of this was in Zoho Projects connection with Workdrive, which was showing error "Error due to - Internal exception".
Changing the installed folder name in Workdrive
Hello, I have a problem with filename length causing me system problems. My company name is Motorsport-Developments. This means my workdrive is: c:\Zoho WorkDrive (Motorsport Developments) Because my folder and filename structure has to include very long
Questions regarding WorkDrive
Here are my questions regarding WorkDrive: Does WorkDrive have a limit on the number of downloads? What will happen if a file is downloaded excessively? Does WorkDrive have any restrictions on download speeds? Are there any limitations on downloading
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