I’m currently trying to create a Shipment for a Sales Order using Zoho Inventory API and I’m having an issue with the API docs and the actual API.
In Zoho Inventory API docs, while creating a shipment, there are no arguments such as package_ids but when I POST the exact same request shown in the docs (with my own organization_id etc.) I’m getting the response:
"code": 4,
"message": "Invalid value passed for package_ids"
There aren’t any clarifications about this package_ids argument and I’ve tried to create a package, put its package_id on the request body with the
key=package_ids but still getting the same response.
example of request body I've used:
"shipment_number": "SH-00004",
"date": "2022-10-17",
"reference_number": "TKG424242",
"contact_persons": 3522659000000086042,
"delivery_method": "FedEx",
"tracking_number": "TRK214124124",
"shipping_charge": 15,
"exchange_rate": 1,
"notes": "shipped",
"package_ids": [3522659000000094005]
and without the square bracket, changing the int to string and combinations of it etc. Still getting the same response with code: 4.
If anyone please look into this issue and respond back to me. Any new docs with a working body as an example would be fine.
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