I'm trying to set up an automation to print uploaded PDF files via PrintNode upon submission.
The problem I'm running into is that the URL for the files (shown redacted below) cannot be accessed directly with the call to PrintNode, at least when using creator.zoho.com as the domain.
I assume this is an authentication issue. Assuming that's the case, is there any way to skip the authentication?
If there's no workaround for the authentication to access the file in Creator, is there a kludge way to easily have uploaded files saved to Workdrive (or wherever) that has open direct access?
Just to set the stage, I'm a total garbage scripter; using an invokeurl command in Deluge to do an API call is at or near the ceiling of my capability. A clunky workaround is probably better for me than diving into actually dealing with authorization stuff.
Any suggestions are appreciated!