Access Service Desk requests using Zoho API by generating code, auth token, and searching requests using python - OAuth2.0
Hello Zoho Community,
I am new to python and I am working on accessing Zoho API for an Automation flow, specifically I am looking to search for a specific service desk requests based on a search criteria (Subject of a request) . Below are the issues faced and I would really appreciate if any help can be found. Please see to below queries/Challenges
1). Generating code for Auth Token in python - I have tried creating a Server based client using and by using client credentials, is it possible to generate code in python?
Challenge - Whenever I try to access the above URL in python program to generate code I have to go through the login process(which cannot be automated). Is there any way to authenticate the user in python program so that it authenticates and redirects to the desired URL with the code and I get the code in program itself? (without any manual intervention) The one like this -><<CODE>>&location=<<Location>>&accounts-server=<<URL>>
I understand that by creating a self client I can obtain code which lasts upto 10 mins but here I am looking for something where the code is generated in python and I get the code which then can be used to generate auth token using by accessing the POST method for below API -
2) Accessing for a specific request - While searching for a specific request I use the below API
Query - I am not able to get the correct response? Is there any issue with the URL?
Please let me know.
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