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I have some tasklist templates that I want to be able to add to a project under certain circumstances.  So if a project meets Condition A, add the tasklist from Template B to that project.  If it meets condition C, add tasklist from Template D, and so on.

Can someone point me in a good direction here?  I would assume that I would need to get all the tasklists, find the ID of the one I want, and then append that tasklist to the project.  I'd also be interested in being sure to append it in a specific position on the project.  That is, I have a tasklist on the project already...call it "General Tasks".  I want Tasklist B to be AFTER that template, and Tasklist D to be after "B".

3 users have this question.
4 Replies
  • 10 months ago

Hello, George! 

Upon analysing the above scenario, we see that selecting a particular Tasklist template is feasible and adding it as a task-list to the desired project. To proceed with the custom function code preparation, we would like to get more details on the Conditions on which the action is to be triggered. We will contact you via email or call for further discussion. 

 , could you share the deluge code example here in the thread. It would be very helpful to all of us with similar need. Thank you

  • 7 days ago

Hi Matheus, 

I've attached a sample code in this thread to add a task-list from a task-list template to a project. Please try this and let us know how it works. 


image 6.png
image 6.png44 KB
image 5.png
image 5.png235 KB
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Reply to George FehrenbachA
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