Adding Account tags to associated Project
I am trying to edit a function that I created to also pass along the account Tag to its associated project.
The function I created below is used to create and associate a project to its account (I created a workflow to kickoff this function once the field "order number" contains a value):
//acctId = acctId.ToLong();id = "raiment";mp = Map();mp.put("name",businessName + ": " + orderNumber);mp.put("template_id",1936048000000054005);mp.put("start_date",zoho.currentdate.toString("MM-dd-yyyy"));mp.put("owner",773544597);created = zoho.projects.createProject(id,mp,"projects");info created;projectid = created.get("projects");for each rec in projectid{ projid = rec.get("id"); projname = rec.get("name");}mp = Map();mp.put("name",projname);contdet = Map();contdet.put("id",acctId);mp.put("accounts",contdet.tolist());datalist = List();datalist.add(mp);datamp = Map();datamp.put("data",datalist);resp = invokeurl[ url :"" + acctId + "/Zoho_Projects/" + projid type :POST parameters:datamp.toString() connection:"projects"];info resp;
Along with the account name/order number I'd like to pass the Tags that are on the accounts to also appear on the Project.
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