All new Cliq meetings extends support for iOS devices

All new Cliq meetings extends support for iOS devices

You can connect with up to 1000 participants in a single conference, with the help of Cliq audio/video meetings from your Cliq iOS device. Follow the below steps to initiate a meeting via your Cliq iOS device:

You can initiate a Cliq meeting from your iOS mobile in the following ways:
  1.  Initiating meeting via channel/groups
  2.  Initiating instant adhoc meetings 

Initiating meeting via channel/groups

  1. Open any Cliq channel/group
  2. Tap on the call button made available at the top right corner

  1. The meeting screen will appear, enter the title of your meeting

  1. Click on the Permissions option. The following permissions will be made available for the host to choose from:
  1. Start screen share : Enable  Start screen share option  and set permission to provide role-based access (org members/co-host/external users) for the participants to share their screens during the meeting
  2. Access grid view : Enable  Access grid view  to allow the meeting participants to switch between grid mode and active speaker mode
  3. View recording : Set role-based permission for viewing your meeting recording
  4. Bypass waiting room : Enable  Bypass waiting room  to allow the participants from the external organization to bypass the waiting room
  5. Chat access for guest users : Enable  Chat access for guest users  to provide guest participants the access to chat with the meeting participants
  6. Mandate whiteboard edit request : Enable  Mandate whiteboard edit request  to mandate meeting participants to request permission to edit the whiteboard

  1. Gestures:  Enable Gestures for participants to react with gestures in the meeting
  2. Advance reaction:  Enable  Advance reactions to allow participants to react with live zomojis.

  1. Add co-hosts
  2. Enable Start recording to record your meeting
  3. Click on the  Ring all  option to invite the meeting participants to join the meeting

  1. Once the meeting starts the following options will be made available for the host:
The host can access the below 1-5 options by clicking on the meatballs menu:
  1. Invite users
  2. Mute all
  3. Start recording
  4. Start streaming
  5. Permissions

 The end call option is made available in the meeting menu at the bottom of your screen.  When you tap on end call, you will be provided with the following two options:
  1. End call: Tap on End to end the call
  2. Assign and leave meeting - Tap on Assign and leave meeting to allow the host to assign a new host before they choose to leave the meeting 

The below options are made available when you tap on the participant's name in the participant panel.
  1. Kick-out:  Tap on  Kick-out  to remove a participant from the meeting
  2. Make as Co-Host: Tap on  Make as Co-Host  to covert a participant as co-host
  3. Mute/Unmute participants: Tap on Mute/Unmute to mute or unmute participants
  4. Message: Tap on a  Message  to be navigated to the respective participant's chat

Initiating Adhoc meeting

  1. Click on the Start chat icon
  2. Tap on Start meeting

  1. Add meeting participants

  1. You will then be navigated to the meeting screen
  2. Add co-hosts
  3. Enable  Start recording  to record your meeting
  4. Click on the  Ring all  option to invite the meeting participants to join the meeting
  5. Once you are done with your meeting, tap on end to end your meeting.
Hope you now have an overall understanding of how to conduct a meeting via the Cliq iOS device. Please do try out our all-new meeting in Cliq and let us know how it works for you.

See you all with a new update. Until then!


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