Hi Zoho Community! <3
I hope someone can help me with a JS-problem in a Client Script. I've been spending days on this, getting no where. I've tried ChatGPT, asked around in my network, nothing - so you guys are my last resort.
And the thing is: It should be suuuuuper simple, yet, it's not!
Here's the use case: I have 2 date fields. When i put in a date in "Date 1", i want "Date 2" to be filled with date 1's date + 1 day. So if I put in 01-09-2023 in "Date 1", it should write 02-09-2023 in "Date 2".
Simple right?
There are 3 big issues:
1) I use the date format DD-MM-YYYY, but it reads all my dates as MM-DD-YYYY
2) It currently outputs in a wierd ISO-format
3) Users have different date locale settings, so I need the output format to match the input format, so it works regardless of the users locale settings
Here's my - simple - code. It is set to execute onChange on the Date_1 field, which is the 'value':
date2_field = ZDK.Page.getField('Date_2');
const date1 = value;
const date2 = new Date(date1);
date2.setDate(date2.getDate() + 1);
And here is the output: