Cant succed to create a contract from the api ! [Closed]

Cant succed to create a contract from the api ! [Closed]

Hi by following the api guide online here  : 

I try to create a contrat on fly for my commercial to have a base of work, but i have an empty contrat arry for response with no more information  can you help me find what im doing wrong ?

For this test i have already a conterpart created in  zoho contract  and i have extract an already existing contract of this type to comparison here  : 

  1. "contracts":
    1. {
      • "modifiedTime":"Oct 17, 2022 11:37 AM",
      • "apiName":"earerr",
      • "endInType":0,
      • "resourceId":"bfad9af3c1de4930888c6838e144f496",
      • "contractType":
        • "templateType":0,
        • "apiName":"contrat-idr-care-b2b",
        • "name":"Contrat IDR CARE - B2B",
        • "signPaper":0
      • "description":"ezrez",
      • "amendments":
        1. {
          • "number":1,
          • "modifiedTime":"Oct 17, 2022 11:37 AM",
          • "isCurrent":true,
          • "stage":
            • "apiName":"draft",
            • "name":"Draft"
          • "systemStatus":6,
          • "latestCycleNumber":1,
          • "id":"2249000000135009",
          • "type":1,
          • "startOption":1,
          • "endOption":3,
          • "docSource":1
      • "signPaper":0,
      • "source":5,
      • "isActive":1,
      • "isRenewable":false,
      • "resourceUrl":""XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      • "requesterName":"ezrezr",
      • "counterParty":
        • "organizationApiName":"tester-societe",
        • "name":"TESTER SOCIETE"
      • "requesterDepartment":
        • "apiName":"sales",
        • "name":"Sales"
      • "owner":
        • "displayName":"Maxime Molina",
        • "emailId":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        • "id":"XXXXXXXXXXX"
      • "endIn":12,
      • "intent":0,
      • "partyA":0,
      • "primaryContact":
        • "displayName":"Mr Tester Test",
        • "emailId":"",
        • "id":"2249000000130197"
      • "contractTerm":true,
      • "systemStatus":12,
      • "partyB":1,
      • "contractId":"2249000000135001",
      • "name":"earerr"

Here is my deluge code request for creating the contrat : 
  1. contrat_params = "{ inputfields: [{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-term\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-term\",\"inputValue\":true}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"is-renewable\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"is-renewable\",\"inputValue\":true}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-type\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-type\",\"inputValue\":\"contrat-idr-care-b2b\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"title\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"title\",\"inputValue\":\"Contrat Care Ventury - Nivx 4 - 254154874565145\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"description\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"description\",\"inputValue\":\"Contrat IDR CARE standard\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"requester-name\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"requester-name\",\"inputValue\":\"Baptiste Lechat\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"requester-department\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"requester-department\",\"inputValue\":\"Sales\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"party-b-name\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"party-b-name\",\"inputValue\":\"tester-societe\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"counterparty-primary-contact\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"party-b-primary-contact-name\",\"inputValue\":\"\"}]},{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-effective-date\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-effective-date\",\"inputValue\":1},]},{\"metaApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputs\":[{\"inputApiName\":\"contract-end-date\",\"inputValue\":3},{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-value\",\"inputValue\":12},{\"inputApiName\":\"n-monthsyears-term\",\"inputValue\":0}]}], source: 1 }";
  2. responsec = invokeurl
  3. [
  4. url :""
  5. type : POST
  6. parameters: contrat_params
  7. connection: "crm_contract"
  8. ];
  9. info responsec;
But a the end when i submit no contract is created and i got no error : 

The APi simply respond an empty contract :

  1. Info
    • {"contracts":[]}
    Fonction exécutée avec succès
    • {"contracts":[]}

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                                              Zoho Contracts offers an extensive set of APIs using which you can integrate with your applications and build custom solutions. However, while using them and executing your code, you might face some errors. The reason might be due to any of the following
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