I have a custom module. I have a lookup field back to itself. the purpose of this lookup field is to link it to a parent record.
I want to clone a record and have the clone wizard pop up. I'm trying to auto fill this lookup field back to the parent record.
I thought I could do this using a client-script, but i can't figure out how to get the record if of the parent record. The information is there in the URL bar when you click on clone, so i figured i could grab it via a ZDK.Page.getField() call, but the Id isn't there.
I believe with a function instead of an API call, I could create a custom clone button on the view page, but it would save the record, then i would have to open it, and not give me the option of the wizzard to edit everything before saving it.
I now i could create a custom button on the create/clone page, but i don't understand if that would allow me to do what I want or not and i haven't tried it yet.