Hi there
I have a client that's looking to migrate to Zoho CRM, and Zoho Inventory. The client is a manufacturing business with a front-end sales team, a production team and a shipping and fulfilment team.
In the current set up, the production team can login to the Zoho Inventory and see orders however as it's currently listed, they can't see the due date or order created date....likewise in the shipping and fulfilment team, they can't see any of the contact information.
Are each teams supposed to use the CRM with it's "Views" settings (Which I can do for the production team, but they can't see any current sales order information, it's like the sales orders don't exist) - if so, how do we make it so all the data in the CRM contacts, orders etc is shared with every team member so they can customize their views in the CRM.
Or is there a better way to handle multiple teams handling the data?
Secondly, I would also like to be able to trigger events based on the status of an order
Eg of proposed workflow:
Sales Team Generate a Sales order - Status: Approved Order (This triggers the sales order to now appear on the production team)
Production Team Start Making order - Status: In Production, when completed Completed (This triggers the shipping and dispatch to now appear on their orders list)
Dispatch team now start packing order with contact information - Status: Shipped
This now triggers an email to be sent to team member who generated the order "your order numbre xxxx has now been shipped" - this also sends an email to the client saying "Hello Customer, your order has now been shipped, here is your tracking number"