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Impressive, to say the least. Most of this, unfortunately, is technically outside of my current skill set.
Customer Facing Idea & bug Tracking appear to be missing from Zoho and Zoho desk specifically.
We are also a SaaS Software Company and run into the same issue Customers call our support team with Either an Idea or Feature Request or to report a Bug.
Here is the issue that my company faces:
We want to track Feature requests and see the impact that feature will have prior to adding it to our development cycle. Meaning i want to know how many tickets or support cases that request has been applied to and i want to know how many customers that request applies to. The more tickets and customers associated to a request the higher its priority.
Which leads to the next issue - Keeping customers informed of the status of ideas. Sending Automated emails to the associated customers when an idea status has changed such as to In- progress or Not Doing. that way our users know what is going on while we limit the amount of staff time it requires to keep customers informed of request statuses and it helps set customer expectations.
Now that leads to the next issue - this process only helps the customers who have contacted support and requested the same issue as someone else.
My Company would love to be able to use the Zoho Desk Customer portal to keep registered users informed of our Idea list let them search and review the ideas list, comment on ideas, up vote ideas and even create ideas all without having to contact support. this makes it easy and user friendly for customers to see if an idea they have is already in the works or not and gives them an easy way to request it all without having to contact support, freeing up agent time, thus saving the company time and money.
Thinking along the lines of https://featureupvote.com/ but this type of feature should be incorporated into the zoho application since it already offers support desk, tickets, portals, comments, community forms etc, idea tracking should be an easy implementation with great user and corporate benefits.
i have also requested something similar but slightly different concept here
I also suggested the ability to make Desk workflows trigger of associated jira issue status
Love this idea also! +1
Just my two pennys but looking at this as well and I think upvoting can be achieved with Knowledge Base articles. There is a "Helpful?" feedback button at the bottom of the article with like/dislike buttons. In each article in a "Feature Requests" category, simply point customers to these like/dislike buttons...then you can look at "Insights" in the back end for the amount of likes/dislikes (you might make your own policy on whether to ignore dislikes). It's not perfect but could achieve 90% of what's required.
Thanks for your insights, Ryan. That has got a nice ring to it.
Ash | Zoho Desk
Actually, can I query how the Vote button at the top of this very page is implemented? Surely Zoho are using the same software we are for articles etc? So how is that Vote button and vote count done?
You can reach out to us at support@zohodesk.com if you'd like to get in-depth details on how this functionality works, Ryan.
Ash | Zoho Desk
Apologies for the spam but I'm slightly confused by this thread. It seems that this is completely possible using the Community. Users can post an Idea and then other users can Vote for it (like this exact thread). In addition, users can comment and select the 'Notify me of updates' button and they will be informed of any updates to the ticket (e.g. an announcement to say it is being incorporated in a certain release). Admittedly they will be spammed every time there is a new comment, but this seems like a small issue.
I couldn't agree more, Ryan. While the upvote topic in the community module can be a solution, other participants are coming up with myriad ways to track the feature requests and the like.
Ash | Zoho Desk
Hi @Michael Rodgers,
The SSO you’re referring to seems to be for the Agent login to the Zoho Invoice application. We’ll pass your information to the respective team. Meanwhile, you can also reach out to them directly at support@zohoinvoice.com if you’d like to discuss this in detail.
Shivani | Zoho Desk
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Yes love this idea. +1 vote from me.