After importing customer data into Zoho Books, I attempted to create an invoice but couldn't find the display name in the search results. However, it appeared when using the advanced search. When I manually add a customer name, the display name becomes searchable immediately for any transaction. It seems that names are not indexed right away.
Thank you for posting your requirement in our forum.
We are elated to know about your interest in Zoho Books. We will definitely assist you with your queries but before that I would like to apologize for the delay in getting back to you.
In regards to your query of not being able to search the customers using Display name, we would want to inform you that when importing the excel file please check and verify if you have mapped the Display name field in Zoho Books and made the customer import.
Also, we presume that you might have imported a bigger file with multiple data, in that case we suggest you to wait for sometime for all the data to successfully reflected in Zoho Books and then you can try searching.
Incase if you are still facing the issue with the customer display name search, kindly initiate a chat or get in touch with us at and we will be able to assist you on this regards.
Hope this helps. Have a good day ahead!
Madhumitha C
Zoho Cares
Reply to Divya-Cloud MummaA
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