Efficient way to get a list of records like Notes under Leads that changed in last N minutes
I am writing a process to consume the Zoho Leads and put it in an internal system. For Leads, Accounts and Contacts, the getRepords with lastModifiedTime works great as I can call the API to get only the updated records say in last 30 minutes. However the records like Notes, Attachements etc don't update the Lead's lastModifiedTime and thus the getRecords doesn't return a record if the only change that happened to the lead was an addition of a note. The getRelatedRecords works fine but then it has to be called for all the Leads one at a time. This is very inefficient and we would surely run into the API limits. Is there a way to get a list of updated/added related-records (e.g. Notes, Attachments) by specifying the lastModifiedTime?
Please advice.
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