Hello everyone,
This is an improvement that's been requested by many users and has been long in the making. Now, it's finally here!
Here is a short demo that shows this improvement in action:
Let's look at this enhancement in some more detail.
Pain point: Viewing and linking emails from multiple contacts to a deal
During the sales process, your sales team interacts with many members from your client's organization, including:
You can associate multiple contacts to a single deal. There would be a single, primary contact and the rest would be added as contact roles.
Interactions with these contacts usually happen via email. Previously, you could only view and link incoming emails from the primary contact with a deal. There was no provision to view or link the emails from the rest of the stakeholders (contact roles).
This meant that every time you wanted to get a comprehensive view of email conversations related to a deal, you had to fish out those emails by going through the inboxes of the individual stakeholders.
Now, you can view emails sent from contact roles within a deal's record. In addition, you'll be able to link those emails to that deal.
You can review previous email exchanges, and understand the evolution of discussions, decisions, and negotiations. It also allows for easy access and reference to the entire conversation history, ensuring all relevant information is available and not scattered across individual inboxes.