In a form, how do I set a formula field date to null?
It does not work....
If(Not(Contains(Trial_Period, 'NA')), AddDate(Dateofjoining, ToNumber(SubString(Trial_Period,1,1)), 'Month'), null)
Field - 'null' does not exist in this form
If(Not(Contains(Trial_Period, 'NA')), AddDate(Dateofjoining, ToNumber(SubString(Trial_Period,1,1)), 'Month'), 'NA')
The second and third operands of built-in function 'If()' should be of same type.
So I need to set the third operand to a date type (NULL?)
I Tried:
If(Not(Contains(Trial_Period, 'NA')), AddDate(Dateofjoining, ToNumber(SubString(Trial_Period,1,1)), 'Month'), GetDate(NewDateTime(0,0,0,0,0,0)))
Trial Period = NA
It returns --> End of Trial Period 30-Nov-0002 (???)
Any idea?