Generate wizards effortlessly and preview summaries before saving records

Generate wizards effortlessly and preview summaries before saving records

Dear customers,

We're excited to introduce two new enhancements to wizards: You can now generate wizards, and get a wizard summary before saving a record.

Wizards in Zoho CRM streamline data entry processes and ensure accurate and consistent data capture by guiding users through multi-step forms. For example, a sales rep can use a wizard to qualify a lead more easily and efficiently.

Let's look at the details.

1. Generate wizards

Creating a wizard from scratch can involve multiple steps, such as creating screens, adding fields, configuring buttons and rules, and setting permissions. While thorough, this process can be time-consuming. To simplify this, we've introduced the Generate Wizard option.

When creating a new wizard, you can choose between building the wizard from scratch or using the Generate Wizard option. 

If you choose to generate a wizard, you'll be redirected to a page where you can select the sections and fields from the layout to be included in the wizard.
Key highlights
  • Create wizards effortlessly.
  • Generate wizards quickly by selecting sections and fields from a layout.
  • Wizard screens are generated based on the sections and fields chosen. Screens are then connected in a linear flow.
  • The last screen includes a Save button, ensuring the wizard is ready to use with minimal setup.
There are two selection options:
  • All sections and fields: This option creates screens for all sections and fields from the selected layout and connects them in a linear fashion.
  • Selected sections and fields: You can choose specific sections and fields, which will then be converted into screens and connected linearly.
Once the initial setup is complete, you can further customize your wizard by adding components, buttons, and conditional rules. You can also modify fields by opening any screen and making the necessary changes.

2. Wizard summaries

Having to navigate multiple screens to entering data can sometimes cause users to lose track of the information they've entered, which in turn makes it challenging to review and ensure accuracy before saving. To address this, we've introduced a summary feature for wizards.

  • With the summary feature, users can now review all the data they've entered into a wizard before finalizing it. This summary displays a comprehensive overview, including a title (e.g., Lead Summary), record image, screen name, segment title, and the values entered for each field. 
  • If any changes are needed, users can easily navigate back to the respective screens by clicking the Edit button next to each section in the summary.
To enable this feature, administrators can configure the Show summary option when setting up the Save button for a wizard. 
There are three options:
  1. On create: Show the summary upon new record creation.
  2. On edit: Show the summary while editing a record.
  3. On create and edit: Show the summary when creating and editing a record.
Once configured, the summary pop-up will appear upon clicking the Save button, enabling you to review and confirm the data before saving it.

  • For custom buttons, when the Save and Show Summary options are enabled, the summary page will appear first upon clicking. The custom button action will execute once you click the Save button on the summary screen.
That's all for these enhancements. Please share your feedback and suggestions in the comments below.


P.S. These enhancements are currently available for all users across all DCs.

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