Generating a report based on specific field change

Generating a report based on specific field change

I need to generate a report that will only include records that changed in a specific fields. Is that possible?

Let me describe the use-case. In Leads module we have a field called "Lead Status" where there are few status that inform us what is actually happening to that Lead. So the basic status is "Open Lead" which is literally assigned to every contact we add to the system. Once a sales rep. performs any action (call, email, message, etc.) he changes the status to "Contacting" which means that there is already some work being done with this person.

What we need is to create a report that would summarize how many Leads were changed (touched) "Open Lead" -> "Contacting" by a sales rep during a given period of time (last week, last month, etc.)

Currently, we can only see a possibility to report by last modification in record. The problem is that this also involves records that changed any of the available fields.

Your help will be appreciated!

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