Google Analytics Widget Not Working

Google Analytics Widget Not Working

I am unable to add Google Analytics to my CustomBottomPanel.
I have tried to add the javascript (with the script tags) directly to my custom panel and it just gets stripped.  From reading other posts, this looks like it's supported but I'm not sure.  It also might be due to my custom bottom panel which looks like the following:
      My custom HTML bottom
      Google analytics script
After I save it, the script tag and everything in the middle gets stripped if I open it up to edit again.
I then tried to add the Google Analytics widget which seems to add the Google Analytics script to page page except for the fact that it's not working.  I viewed the source on my page and the widget double quotes the actual tracking number which I think is the problem.  If I do a view source, the following is injected into my page:
Note that the tracking number is double quoted within single quotes.  Note that all I did was copy and paste the code (with script tags) directly from the Google Analytics page which only contains single quotes.  Then when I open the widget properties, the tracking number is quoted using double quotes.  So I go in manually to the widget and change the plug in to use single quotes which results in the wiki now writing the following to my page:
Yes, this is EXACTLY what happens when I try to change the double quotes to single quotes in the widget properties.  Note that the single quote is still outside of double quotes in addition to the fact that the actual numebr after UA- is removed. 
Please advise.

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