What is Image library for? Where can we and where we cannot use images uploaded in library? This is so confusing and so restricting.
I uploaded some images in images library. Now I want to use these images to create an email template and also use in the email created using the email template. But Image Insert widget does not give an option to choose images from image library, the only option I see is "From your computer" and "From Web URL". Why !!!!!!
Well that was fine then I thought I will probably find the public URL of that image in the library and hardcode in my template or email. Turns out there is no way to get that URL. Why!!!!!
After reading some documents turns out Images from library will not be available if you are creating email template using HTML, or you creating and email using HTML or using the email template created using HTML. Why!!!!!!!!!!
Am I missing something here.
Attached is the screenshot of screen where I am trying to access the images uploaded in the library.
Can someone help.
There is a reason why we need to do HTML for email template. Because there are so many restriction to build the template we want using Zohos built in modules.