Input Parameter Missing - Associate multiple teams to a project

Input Parameter Missing - Associate multiple teams to a project


I am trying to assign multiple Teams to a project via the API.

Using the documented 'POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/associategroups/'  method, the error '{"error":{"code":6891,"message":"Given URL is wrong"}}' is returned.

Assuming the '+' in the URL is incorrect, removing the '+' returns the error '{"error":{"code":6831,"message":"Input Parameter Missing"}}'.

To rule own my own code errors, I have also used the PHP method documented here

My POST array looks like this:

     $request_parameters = array(
        'projid' => '155xxxxxxxxxx',
        'groupid' => array('135xxxxxxxxx','135xxxxxxxxx','135xxxxxxxxx')

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

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