Introducing Zia Presentation in Zoho CRM

Introducing Zia Presentation in Zoho CRM

----------------Moderation 3.0, Date: 10th May'24---------------------------------------

Zia's Presentation feature is now available for orgs in US, EU, IN, CN, JP, and AU DCs. Orgs., with Enterprise or Ultimate editions with 20+ user licenses can access this feature, moving forward.

----------------------------------------Moderation 2.0, Date: 22nd March' 24-----------------------------------------
The Zia Presentation feature is now available for organizations in both Enterprise and Ultimate editions with 20+ user licenses in the US DC and EU DC.
----------------------------------------Moderated on 10th Jan, 2023------------------------------------------
New availability update: 

The Zia Presentation feature is now available for organizations in both Enterprise and Ultimate editions with 20+ user licenses in the US DC.

Dear All,

We hope you're well!

We're excited to introduce our brand new Zoho CRM feature:  Zia Presentation . Let's get into the details!

Business presentation is an integral part of every important decision in an organization. From performance reviews to root cause analyses, a well-crafted slide deck with insightful data is a powerful method of conveying an organization's problems, progress, and performance. However, deriving insight to build such presentations manually can be overly complicated: it requires identifying the right metric, running reports, creating charts and graphs, adding design elements, and compiling them as slides. It is an uphill battle that demands a substantial amount of time and effort.

Introducing Zia Presentation , a collection of personalized analytics gathered from your CRM data and computed by Zia. It generates exclusive insights and behavioral analytics relevant to your organization's performance and compiles the necessary findings as presentation slides.
For example, let's look at how Zylker Pvt. Ltd. employs Zia Presentation. Zylker is an enterprise business that creates about 150 ToFu leads and converts a minimum of 30 leads to customers each day. An organization that handles a handful of data on a regular basis requires constant scrutiny and supervision. By enabling Zia Presentation, they see metrics like leads created this week, the sum of revenue, breakdown of revenue contribution, number of completed tasks for the month, and more, delivered as a presentation without any manual configuration required. They also get charts like cohort and quadrant—auto-computed by Zia—to understand the pattern and behavior of their CRM data.

What are the common insights Zia presents?

Based on the data available in your CRM, Zia will compute and present the following insights and their KPIs as individual slides each month. 
Lead information:
  • Number of leads created
  • Number of junk leads
  • Number of untouched leads
  • This week's leads
Deal information: 
  • Number of open deals
  • Number of deals created
  • Number of deals won
  • Number of deals lost
  • Average sales cycle
  • Sum of revenue

  • Amount by account

  • Revenue by lead source
Activity information:
  • Open tasks
  • Completed tasks
  • Meetings
  • Calls
  • Overdue tasks

Additionally, for an in-depth analysis of patterns, Zia displays two types of behavioral analytical charts: cohort and quadrant charts.

How can I present these slides?

On the first day of each month, Zia will push the presentation as a notification in the Zia notification panel . All you have to do is to click on the notification and view the slides as a preview. Additionally, you can use the following toggles to present your narrative directly from your CRM:
  • Expand the slide to full screen
  • Zoom in and out
  • Navigate between slides
  • Point and present using arrow and laser light pointer
  • Annotate as you present using a pen and highlighter
  • Erase markups

Can I customize the slides?

Yes, the presentation you see from the notification is just the preview. However, if you would like to add your branding elements, more information, update the theme and typography, and more, you can open the presentation in Zoho Show and make your changes there.
Important note:  Once saved, all the changes you make to the slides in Zoho Show will be synchronized with the presentation in Zoho CRM.

What are the limitations?

Zia Presentation can be enabled and viewed only by Administrators of an organization. It's available for organizations using the  Ultimate edition, with 100 and more user licenses, and in most languages, except those with RTL scripts.

Release plan
We have opened this feature for all organizations with Enterprise and Ultimate edition and 20 and more licenses, in the US DC for now. It will be opened for other DCs subsequently.

Click here to access the help documentation.
That's everything there is to say about Zia Presentation—for now.  We hope this feature will add value to your business management activities. Should you have more ideas/feedback on Zia Presentation, we'd be happy to hear from you!

Thanks and have a good one, 
Saranya Balasubramanian

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